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Hello, I haven't posted on here for a long while. I have been on Letrozole for 3 years now, having started before my operation, as we were in Covid. I  have had all the usual side effects which I have managed to cope with. My side effects always come in waves. I will have a few quite normal weeks then I will start getting tearful, with my hair breaking, not sleeping well, hot flushes and painful joints. In the last few months the emotional side has become much worse and over the last 10 days I have been very depressed, which is  very out of  character for me, I have been overwhelmed with depression,  not being able to cope with any problems and just crying. I know this is all hormonal but wondered if other ladies may have had this. Just today I have felt the depression lift and I feel totally back to normal but I know it will return. I am 75. I would be grateful for any help. Thanks.

  • Hi, I've been on letrozole for 2 years and not experienced this, but it sounds debilitating.  Have you had a chat to your GP or oncologist about this to see if there is anything they can suggest? I also wondered if you are having different brands as this is known to make a difference.  Also, don't forget the lovely folks at Macmillan are at the end of the phone on 0800 808 0000 if you are having a tough time. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you for your reply.  I started for a week on Sun Pharma but I came off because of severe pain in my joints, I could barely walk. I went on to Accord since then and have managed with the usual side effects.  I haven't spoken to anyone yet as I felt I didn't want to make a fuss when there are so many other ladies with far worse. Is this the sort of query the Macmillan helpline deal with? I am thinking my GP will just pass me on somewhere else. 

  • The Macmillan team will certainly be there to listen, they can also put you in contact with a nurse for more specialist advice. Might be worth a try.   And about making a fuss, I get it completely, but sometimes we have to make a fuss about ourselves, try not to worry about that. Best wishes 

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  • Just to let you know, I took your advice and rang the Macmillan help line. They advised that I go to the GP and ask to be referred to the hospital. I am going to ring tomorrow. Thank you.

  • I’ve been interested to read these posts, I’m now just finishing my second month on Letrozole, had to stop Tamoxifen because of pelvic pain & pressure. I’m starting to feel very emotional and can burst into tears at the drop of a hat. I was hoping that this would improve as my body gets used to it. I don’t want to make a fuss either as I’m really lucky to have been diagnosed early lumpectomy and radiotherapy completed and looking for full recovery … it just seems hard at the moment….

  • Hi,I'm glad you called them and they gave you some advice, best of luck at the GP

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi, sorry you're struggling. It really is worth getting checked out, there might be something that can help you. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hello,  I am sorry to hear you are also suffering with the emotional side. At the beginning,  and for the last two and a half years I have managed to cope, although at my bad moments have often threatened to come off of the tablets.  I understand completely how you are feeling with the sudden unexpected crying, it is very disturbing as I know you can'tcontrol it.  It feels very like PMT and the menopause.  I have held off reaching out for help, as like you I was diagnosed early and luckily only had a lumpectomy, the sentinel node removed and radiotherapy.  My cancer was grade 2 invasive ductal and high grade DCIS. How many years are you on the Letrozole for? 

  • thank you both for your responses, I’m on Letrozole for 5 years . I was beginning to think I was going off my head!! I phoned the McMillan support line this morning and spoke to a very lovely Irish nurse who reassured me regarding the side effects , all pretty normal however she suggested counselling to help with the emotional side of things. Bupa work with McMillan and can offer up to 6 sessions if necessary so I’m going to think about it. She also said I should let my breast care team know what’s happening so that they are aware. On discussing with them the nurse suggested that I take the Letrozole in the evening instead of morning as it might help with the disturbed sleep; this  in turn might help with tiredness and low mood…. She also said that sometimes they stop it for a month ( a hormone holiday!!!) so I’ve to try taking it in the evening for 2 weeks snd get back to them. So glad I have spoken about it …, hopefully it’ll get easier …take care everyone x

  • I am glad you got some help. Following my talk with the Macmillan team I have got an appointment with my GP next week so I am feeling more positive now I am doing something.  The nurse mentioned to me about the counselling sessions with Bupa and I am seriously considering it. I would like to know how you get on. Take care.