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Morning all 

  • Was diagnosed with breast cancer, grade 2  March 2023 , 5 rounds of radiotherapy now on Aldronic acid , Letrozole , Adcal . However was  in A&E Christmas Day , had emergency op an Appendectomy, so am feeling very worn down and feel I need something to lift me and boost my energy levels .  I started to research vitamins, it’s all so daunting. So phoned breast nurse and she said that these ingredients are to be avoided, St John’s Wart , Red Clover , Black Cohosh and a soy supplement , so my question is does anyone take any vitamins ? Thank you x
  • Hi  , sorry to hear that you spent Christmas in hotel NHS having an appendectomy. Not what you needed at all, I’m sure. I hope you start to feel better soon, and if not should see your GP for a follow up in view of your recent op? 
    Re vitamins, I’m not a medic and can only speak for myself….. the only regular supplements I take are Vitabiotics Osteocare which are mainly Calcium and Vitamin D, and my GP is aware. I take them because I have osteopenia and am on Anastrozole which can thin the bones. Occasionally I take a liquid iron supplement (Floradix - you can Google it to see the ingredients) when I feel like I need a bit of a ‘tonic’. I hope it’s ok! But I only have it once in a while, probably only twice since I was diagnosed over 5 years ago. I just think I could sometimes do with a bit of extra iron, I’m vegetarian and have a decent diet but am aware that it may not be as iron rich as it could be. 
    It’s maybe not surprising that you’re feeling ‘worn down’ as you’ve had a major op. Wishing you well, please do see your GP if you’re not improving, Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi, you could give the lovely folks at Macmillan a call and ask their advice. The number is 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi my diagnosis was 2019 finished chemo and then other infusions Jan 2023 

    Like  you adcal was given to help calcium and vit C levels .

    During 2023 lots of minor ailments including repeated    UTI /kidney infections , fatigue ,Virtigo really feeling down then after bout of Shingles  

    Raft of tests done only negative result was  Vit B12 deficient so was to take this and look at diet to up intake . 
    This was over Xmas so not sure if it helping yet but can’t be doing any harm 

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !