Just diagnosed and feeling numb

  • 4 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hi all, well sadly last year I lost my dad , he had bladder cancer, a few months later my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer , 9 weeks later I lost her, while she was in hospital I was diagnosed with breast cancer ! My daughter left unexpected to move to wakes to college and I list my job !! To say its been a bloody tough year is probably an understatement.  I have had aMRI Christmas eve and now waiting for my next appointment ti discuss treatment etc consultant said I will have to have an operation and follow up treatment chemotherapy or radiotherapy.  I'm totally lost , I have no job but now as I was laid off, no idea where or who to talk to as I have never not worked.  I think I'm in a state of shock ATM. Sorry fir the long message just needed to get it out x 

  • I am so sorry you have had to experience so much loss and worry, it can’t have been easy. Was your employer aware of your bc diagnosis? As a  cancer diagnosis I believe is deemed as a disability and laws protect you against unfair dismissal. Please speak to McMillan as they give great advice and can direct you to where you go next in regards to financial claims etc. they can also provide a counselling service you may find very useful and supportive with coping right now. Best of luck x

  • Thank you , I made the move from my previous job after being there 8 years and changed to the new company, as I've only been there a few months I have no rights.  I will seek advice as I've never been out of work and feel totally hopless . X

  • Hi  and welcome to the club that none of us wanted to join. Sorry you have been through so much loss and grief, then having to face your own cancer diagnosis. I hope you will at least feel that here is a good place for support and shared experiences. Good advice from  to contact MacMillan advisers as they can help with work advice and re finances, as well as support and counselling. I wonder if there is a Maggie’s or MacMillan centre at your hospital? I found the MacMillan centre at Mount Vernon had some services I could tap into when I was having my radiotherapy, and then a year later ‘discovered’ the Maggie’s centre at Addenbrookes where I was able to have ear acupuncture to help with hot flushes from my hormone therapy. I also did online mindfulness through them. 
    No wonder you are feeling shocked, you have had to deal with so many major life events this past year. Most of us find our cancer diagnosis a huge shock without all the stuff you have had to go through already. The other place I’ve found really helpful is Future Dreams House in London - I’ve been to in person sessions there twice as I’m only an hour away, but they do online stuff too. 
    Hope you have your appointment soon as I know I felt more able to cope once I had a definite ‘plan’. In the meantime, keep posting, ask questions, or just have a good rant as that can be therapeutic! Sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you for your message, I will definitely get intouch with the advisors to try to get something sorted while I wait for things to progress . And maggies etc I will look to see if anyone near me. I have to dp something as I'm going g stir crazy xxx