2nd cancer diagnosis

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If having breast cancer wasn't bad enough, I've just found out that I have thyroid cancer too - separate cancer. I am alone waiting for chemo for BC and just needed to tell someone. I'm not looking forward to telling the family later. I'm notnsure how much more I can take. This morning my hair started falling out too!

  • Hi LuckyD, sorry you find yourself on here, but if anyone can help you get your head around this horrble cancer then its probably survivors on here. I can understand your horror of having breast cancer then a seperate diagnosis of another in your case thyroid cancer. It might not seem like it now but two different cancers is better than a diagnosis of metastaic. I have known many who have beaten 2 or 3 different cancers at the same time. Its as you probably know all about taking each day at a time, not always easy i know. I remember my hair falling out it was so stressfull i had a 12 year old at the time and telling him was the worse day of my life. I went to hairdresser and had it all cut off. I wish you all the best telling your family later they will be sad but i have found its how we tell them what matters. They take there lead from us if we say it in a way that they think we have this under control and we know what to expect and we are positive they will feel less anxious. I have found telling them the truth about what you know and all possible treatments out there for you, its the unknown that makes them overthink. I have been fighting this cancer for 20 years now there are new drugs coming avalable to treat us all. I wish you all the best x

  • Hi   so sorry hear that, I know how tough it is as a month after I was diagnosed with breast cancer I found out I also had bowel cancer, which was also a primary. The good thing is you’re in the system and having already started treatment, they will fast track you so hopefully you will know how they are going to treat it really soon.

    if you’re finding it really tough, reach out to your BCN and ask about counselling. It might help to speak to a MacMillan counsellor who specialises in cancer, I’ve certainly found it helpful.

    good luck with your treatment 

  • Thank you for your reply. I needed to vent and am now feeling much calmer. It is what it is and at least I know.

  • Hi, Thank you for replying. Sorry you had to fight 2 cancers also. Hopefully they 2 teams (at different hospitals but access to same records) will have a plan soon. Work colleagues called in reinforcements and I've had a debrief and feeling much better now. 

  • I’m glad you’re feeling better and I hope you get your new plan soon. The waiting is the worst part!

  • Hi  , sorry to hear about your second cancer diagnosis. Life can deal some sh**** cards. Just wanted to send love and a big virtual hug. Vent all you like here, it’s the one place you can say it like it really feels. Xxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi LuckyD, I’m also fighting 2 primary cancers that popped up at the same time. There’s more of us than you think - you are not alone! Telling your family is difficult, but like Wino said it’s better to have two separate cancers than one that has spread. When you have a treatment plan in place you should begin to feel a little bit better about the situation. Please let us know how you get on, Julia xx

  • Thank you for your reply. It's good to know I'm not alone, although I wish no-one else was in a similar position (if you know what I mean). Follow-up next week, so hopefully things will be more clear.