18 months on... venting!

  • 25 replies
  • 323 subscribers

Hello community Wave

I'm a long time reader, first time poster! I think knowing age is really helpful on here, I'm now 43. 

I was diagnosed with IDC in May 2021. I had surgery to remove a 3cm tumour, then a second surgery to remove a sneaky little one they had found behind that. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed but I declined ongoing endocrine therapy after a few months because of the way it made me feel. I finished radiotherapy in April 2022. 

Undoubtedly, it's normal for people to fear every little ailment or ache and pain means that the cancer has spread, and I don't think that ever goes away. My mum was diagnosed with BC in 2003 (she was 47) and died from liver and lung metastatis in 2009, so for me, that fear is an ever present companion... and it's lonely. 

This isn't the positive post of "life after cancer" that people might be looking for and I'm sorry. I guess I just need to feel a bit less lonely and that other people feel the same as I do. It's so hard with friends and family (those that I haven't pushed away) because they don't understand. You get told you're so brave and strong, an inspiration, so positive about everything! ... Like we ever had a choice, right? 

I put on a smile, fix a positive attitude and I go out into the world looking like I have my sh*t together because that's what everyone needs to see. Internally, I'm battling with the constant Big C cloud hanging over my head. 

If anyone reads this, thank you for allowing me to vent a little. I needed to find a safe space to get my thoughts out and hopefully, not upset anyone. 

Virtual hugs to you all x 

  • Huge massive hugs back to you. You are so brave and strong. This is the place to be and share honestly not having your sh*t together - none of us have really anyway. No words, but just wanted you to know I hear you, I see you, sending love and strength xxxx

  • understand because husband says only 2 more, the radio, then pills, then scans, then anxiety but yeah 2 more.. my rant

    edited to add hugs and say, but i hope to be able to just live because no one gets out alive and stress is not a good way to live and is not good for us mentally, try to let the stress go, remember you dont have to carry it every day. I’ll keep you posted

  • I totally agree, stress is no good and I do try to see the beautiful in everything and take life one day at a time, which is all anyone can do :) 

    Progress not perfection! Good luck with all your remaining treatment x

  • I get it !! It’s a scary place to be , I’m the same paint on a smile everyone says you look great !! But some days I don’t feel it . At night in bed it goes round my head I do wonder if I will ever be able to move on !! Good luck to you xxx

  • Here because . You are not alone. Everything you say makes sense. Sending hugs your way x 

  • Thinking of you - it’s not an easy journey. I wonder if Penny Brohn or canceractive charities might be helpful. The fear of recurrence is tricky and it is hard to get beyond that sometimes. I hope you find a way to distract yourself and do those things that make you happy. X

  • FormerMember

    There are options..genetic testing, ask your oncologist. You will be tested to see-if you can handle results (either way). Join a group if there’s one locally? I have joined a fab one and we talk about our ailments, treatment, etc but we talk about everything else as well and conversations are often hilarious!  Speak to your GP about counselling in view of the fact your beloved mum has gone before with shxt C.x  You can also reach out to Macmillan, quoting your NHS/hosp number and they may be able to refer you.  I know it’s no consolation but non of us on here feels confident about the future..all we can do is take the medicine and don’t dwell.  Easy to say, difficult to do but mindfulness is the key.  I really wish you well. Don’t let your mind rule your life! Loads of virtual hugs coming your way xxx

  • Thanks Bonnie Boo. Very best of luck to you too! I really appreciate your reply x

  • Thank you! I've thought about a group but I have so much anxiety I'm not sure I'd be able to go! I really appreciate your reply x