Triple negative breast cancer

  • 41 replies
  • 322 subscribers

Diagnosed with aggressive triple negative breast cancer month ago, startled chemotherapy and immunotherapy on my second week of chemotherapy, woken up this morning with horrible indigestion and also feels like trapped wind, and advice on best things to eat to try avoid the indigestion, decided to not do the cold capping but having the cold hands and feet done while having the treatment, I’m 39 and this journey is going to be long one, I’ve got 12 weeks of chemotherapy every week then chemotherapy will be every 3 weeks for another 12 weeks with immunotherapy then surgery then maybe radiotherapy-so in total about a year of treatment , anyone else going though this 

  • Mri scan come back with lymph node so now need another biopsy and awaiting genetic testing which will determine what surgery I will need

  • sending hugs of support , ask for omeprazole for the heartburn from the drs. i find sometimes i eat watercrackers to settle it a bit.

    hoping the omeprazole will help, as for gas maybe try windeze? im gone opposite things slowed down.

    try to avoid acidic foods? although i love curry while going through chemo, its a go too,but sticking wild mild ones, try plain rice as well and cucumber and yoghurt

    welcome to the club no one wants to join. hopefully get lots of help and good advice

  • Thanks for taking the time to reply, I will definitely ask doc ,for omeprazole I do seem to be craving spicy food but yeah definitely going to stick to mild ones, I seem to have an appetite more than normal at the min, really appreciate your reply and advice, Thankyou x

  • Hi Leanne

    so sorry you are going on this journey, mission I call it and at a young age at least l am 64 well like you I found out I had cancer back in January and was told I had along way to go I had a mastectomy in March with full lymph node removal because the cancer had spread to lymph nodes .  I started my chemotherapy 12 in total over 18 weeks now on my last five chemo sessions  and will be finished by the end of September I found the EC the hardest but since being on paclitaxel I have been much better hardly no side effects . I know I am having radiotherapy and tablets after my chemo but I told the oncologist I wanted to take it a step at a time .so we agreed that when each treatment finished then they would explain the next step .

    on my chemo it was hit and miss I had stomach problems I did take omeprazole, also Gaviscon tablets. Because I have also done yoga and Pilates I found lying on my back and holding my knees into my stomach and rocking from side to side and back and forth helped with the wind and cramp pains. The weeks will soon go on the chemotherapy I go out for a walk everyday I find this helps  also. 

    take care xx

  • Thanks so much for your reply no matter what age we are this is so scary , definitely will try lying on my back with knees up, I’m finding going for a walk is helping me, can I ask did you lose your hair? Friday will be my 3rd week of chemotherapy which currently is paclitaxel and carboplatin then after that it changes to epirubicin and cyclophosphamide when I start every 3 weeks for another 12 weeks I’m also having immunotherapy which is pembrolizumab which is every 3 weeks so will be having that again this Friday, I decided not to do the cold capping as would of needed it on for 3 hours, didn’t think I could handle that  my hair not gone yet but my eyebrows are thinning, I seem to have an appetite at the moment which is great but just taking each day as it comes, the genetic test will determine which type of surgery I will need either lumpectomy or mastectomy, have a mri scan booked for October to see how the treatment is working,, really hope everything goes well for you sending my love and big hugs xxx

  • Leanne 12,

    it’s difficult but you can do it. I am 68 , finished treatment 8 months ago

     I started with the same chemo as you but in reverse - 12 weeks of 3 weekly EC and 12 single weeks of Paclitaxel and carboplatin.

    Then a mastectomy followed by 15 days of radiotherapy. 

    I lost my hair but it came back ! Wasn’t a problem, except for a cold head - stock up on beanies.

    Keep eating while you can - I lost my appetite but have now got it back big time! 

    Take one week at a time and try to see the funny side when you can.


  • Thanks so much for your reply, can I ask how you found the ec chemotherapy was your side affects bad? Glad you have got your appetite back and sorry to hear you have gone through this too your so strong x I’m  definitely going to get some hats for when the winter comes, nice to hear you have finished treatment now and you have got through this xxx

  • Forgot - ginger biscuits work well for nausea. Am addicted to them now.


  • Leanne, EC was easy for me - just hair loss.
    Your taste alters a bit - went off coffee and orange. But there’s always an alternative to try. 

    Don’t think my appetite changed until I changed to the chemo you are now having.

    Lived on cornflakes, fresh fruit and ginger bix!


  • Hey that’s good to hear, I was a big coffee lover before this and already gone off coffee and can’t seem to handle orange juice, I bought some ginger to make a ginger tea but will get some ginger biscuits in, definitely enjoying fruit but just not oranges, thanks so much for your reply xx