• 6 replies
  • 314 subscribers

Hi has anyone tried CBD oil? I have just had my 4th chemo and am feeling really rough.  My friend has suggested it but I am a bit nervous.  Any advice? X 

  • I didn’t take it so can’t comment personally, there are plenty of ladies on here who have done though, so my response will bump you up and hopefully they will let you know their experiences. Ask your oncologist too, or breast care team, in fact ask them before you take any supplements at all as some can and do interact with the chemo. What side effects are you having? Chemo can be incredibly tough for some of us xx

  • I take it, BUT I haven’t needed chemo and am only on tamoxifen at present. My back pain is due to degenerative changes, was checked with both a nuclear bone scan and an MRI in case of any cancer spread, but nothing abnormal found. 

    Id agree with  in asking your team about its potential use and stating the side effects of the chemo you’re experiencing in case it’s fairly easily remedied another way. 

    Hoping you can be helped….

    Hugs xxx


  • I asked my oncologist whether I could take it and he said absolutely not as it can interfere with the chemo efficacy he did say use it after treatment 

  • Thanks for the responses - I will check with my oncologist today.   I dealt with the chemo really well for the first two treatments of EC.  Third one was not so good,  Now I have just had the first dose of Doxetaxol and it has hit me like a bus.   Aching all over my body, feeling nauseous, muscle spasms - I feel about 100 years old.  For someone who always has high energy levels and a natural positivity this has hit me hard - I did think it would be a miracle to get through it without any major issues but I have continued working full time up to now and managed ok,   So it is a blow.   The CBD just seemed like it may be an option but I will take advice on it.  Thanks everyone x   

  • There is one thing that people are not made aware of though, and that is that if you take anticoagulants you should not take CBD.
