Breast Biopsy Results

  • 8 replies
  • 303 subscribers

Morning all,

I received my biopsy results yesterday afternoon and was informed that the finding was malignant Cry My recent mammogram showed micro calcifications in 2 areas of my right breast. They managed to do the biopsy on one area, but I felt very faint after, they decided to just perform the one. It wasn’t painful, it was just the thought of what was going on.

I was shocked, tearful and didn’t ask any questions. I came off the phone and just broke down. After pulling myself together, I called the nurse back. She told me that the area found was very small 8mm, the prognosis was excellent and that I would be referred to a specialist and they would be able to tell me everything I needed to know and what the treatment procedure would be. 

I am going back tomorrow to have the second area biopsied and will get the results of that area next Wednesday. 

I was diagnosed with VIN 3 back in 2017, that is a precancerous condition of the vulva. I had a wide local excision to remove the cells and go back twice a year to the hospital for check ups to make sure the VIN has not returned.

As you can imagine I’m feeling very sorry for myself. And can’t believe I now have breast cancer to deal with also.

I know I have to stay strong and I have a wonderful husband and daughter, plus very good friends and they will all be there for me. I haven’t told many people yet, it’s hard and I don’t feel up to calling people at the moment.

I’m going to try and stay strong and beat this, as I know many other women on here have. It just helps to get it all out.


  • Sorry to hear your news - and a little shocked that they gave it you by phone and not face to face a little more kindly with information to take home and a bit of personal contact and reassurance.   Hopefully that will happen soon and you’ll feel more confident knowing your team and having names and faces.  

    It is a scary journey but you know that already - just take a deep breath and one step at a time …. don’t worry about telling people until the timing is right for you (and you can cope with the sympathy which is well meaning but can be a little draining in itself) - and don’t forget to accept offers of help, even if you put them on hold until you know what you might need.  

    Try and do some lovely things over the weekend that iou will enjoy.  

    All the best …

  • Thank you for your reply, it’s much appreciated. They did tell me that they would contact me by phone, I was surprised, but didn’t take it in, as I had so much going on inside my head. 
    Thankfully I was at home and not in the office when I got the result.

    I intend to carry on as normally as possible and will try and do something nice at the weekend x

  • Hi, sorry to hear your news. Good luck with the second biopsy. It’s a lot to get used to, but try to just take one thing at a time. 
    All the best to you and your family 

  • Thank you for your kind wishes x

  • FormerMember

    You have been caught early which is a MAJOR advantage. I had calcifications shown on mammogram in 2013 then in 2015 and 2018 nothing on screen at all!! Carried on in blissful ignorance to find last Christmas a lump LB which has put me in Stage 3! Had mastectomy, CT, RT plus associated treatments inc. bone infusions. Felt angry for a while but thought “what’s the point”! Relish the fact that science and the NHS came good for you. BW xxx

  • Yes, I count my blessings that it’s been caught early and hopefully it will be a good outcome.

    Did they not give you further tests when your calcifications were found?

    You sound a very strong determined person. I hope that I can be the same xx 

  • Sorry not the all clear you hoped for.  Did they tell you type of malignancy?  In May 2015 age 51 I was recalled from my first rountine screening mammogram for 2 areas of calcification (10mm & 5mm).   I was diagnosed with intermediate DCIS in the 10mm area only.  The smaller area was benign.  I had a WLE in July and 15 sessions of radiotherapy in September.  11mm high grade DCIS was final diagnosis after surgery..  

  • Hello Carol,

    I also had 2 areas of micro calcifications in my right breast confirmed  One area is 8mm, I get the results of the 2nd area on Wednesday. I will then be given an appointment to see a breast surgeon.

    I have no idea whether it’s DCIS or what treatment I will be given. I guess I will find this out when I see the breast surgeon.

    I hope that you have now got through it all and wish you all the best xx