Head hair loss and docetaxel

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I know it seems really vain in the grand scheme of things, but the idea of loosing my hair is beyond terrifying to me. I had my first docetaxel 2 weeks ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer and managed to use the cool cap. I only wash my hair every 3/4 days anyway, but when I washed today there was a lot more hair loss than usual, like clumps and I ended up sobbing in the shower. My partner has been fantastic and reassured me that it doesn't notice (lucky I have quite thick hair). Just wondered if anyone had any tips for helping to minimise the hair loss - would washing and combing less often help?


  • Thank you for your kind reply I’ve given myself a talking to this morning and feel much better, after talking to my family I’ve decided to carry on with the cold cap ( I’ve chemo no 3 this week) and hope that like you say maybe the hair loss will slow down, I’ve purchased a baseball cap and hopefully the wig will make me feel more like me, it’s funny it’s not strangers I feel bothered about they can look all they like it’s my close friends and family’s thoughts that matter the most especially my children and husband, who have been amazing and I couldn’t of done this without them. So here’s to it being a distant memory we can do this.  

  • Super… it’s the next process of grief and acceptance and does take time. Like you I was really distressed for two weeks then figured out a cap worked and my teenagers made me laugh a few times which lifted the spirits. Keep talking about it to all your loved ones so they get it, an amazing family will get you through this. I am really glad did cold cap each time as it is the only choice we have and I felt SO proud to have done it (which I know sounds odd) and keeping a bit of hair can give you hope. Please do look after yourself and take each day one by one, slowly you will feel whole again. There is a brilliant charity called Look Good Feel Better that do a 3 hour workshop and I loved it, came home with HUGE bag of make up feeling treated. It’s free. Most hospitals have a hair lady who can advise… I get a free trim and a chance to tell her how I feel which is so reassuring, the help and support is there, please ask for it. MASSIVE hugs and hope chemo 3 isn’t too bad. xxx

  • Thank you, guys, for sharing your experiences here. I’ve just got the bad news and I will have to go through chemotherapy; hoping it will help. I want to receive the medicine, but the idea of losing all my hair disturbs me. I know I will have to accept it at some point, but it’s just too much for me yet.  I’ve never had good hair, and it took me a lot of effort to grow the hair I have now. I used numerous shampoos and Burdock oil for hair to eventually get a haircut I dreamt about. and now I am going to lose it all. It’s just too sad and hard to accept now. Thank goodness I’m not alone, and there are people to support me.

  • Hi I know exactly how your feeling the thought of loosing my hair was the most upsetting thing which made me feel like I was being silly in the grand scale of it all but our hair is really importanto us and I just felt like I wouldn’t feel like me. Ive cold capped all the way through until today ( chemo number five)  when I changed drugs which meant five hours with the cold cap it started off ll but I got such a bad headache I had to take it off so now my hair will probably fall out !! I feel a bit like I’ve failed as I thought I was fairly hardcore and could do it. If you feel like you can cold cap go for it as it does definitely help, up until now I’ve kept about 40% of my hair which I still found upsetting but was able to come over and wear a headband I’ve got a wig so I guess now’ll have to pluck up the courage and wear it out. Remember You’re  not alone you’ve got this. Good luck with your first chemo.Xx

  • Hi Lala.  Ive had 3 chemo with cold cap and I’ve lost around 70% but still have a ponytail albeit very thin.  This means I can get away with wearing a cap, but not keen on scarf look. Hair loss has slowed down but not sure if it’s because there’s less to lose.  I am grateful I still have my eyebrows and lashes, although a little thin.  All in all I believe the cold cap has saved me from going bold, so far.  Lots of love and luck.