Calcifications found in breast - biopsies taken

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  • 311 subscribers

Hi all. I'm new to this group and at the "waiting for results" stage. Had several biopsies taken almost 3 weeks ago. Results on Tuesday (backlog). Just needed to get my "feelings" out of my head, although I don't really know how I really feel so sorry if I ramble.

I suppose I'm numb and can't believe it's happening to me. Tried to reach out to my mum and sisters. The 1 sister I'm closest to and really wanted support from, seems to be ignoring the fact I may have bad news next week. Is that her way of dealing with it? I don't know. I have 3 good friends who have been keeping me calm but I can tell from their expressions, they are worried for me.

My husband and daughter are being positive and keep telling me if it's bad news, we can get through it. I'm sure I/we can. 

Why me, why us? We always seem to have the lions share of bad luck. 

Thanks for letting me vent.

  • Hiya

    Everything you’ve said resonates so strongly with me. I got recalled after a routine mammogram in August last year. I toddled of to the appointment to be immediately told that something had been seen and I was to have an ultrasound and if deemed necessary by the radiologist, biopsies would be taken. It seems a hundred years ago now. 
    Two weeks later I had the appointment to see a consultant, I asked my mum to stay with my disabled daughter. She asked my sister to help her. My sister said she couldn’t help at that time but maybe if it was really urgent. 
    My best friend has been at my side since that day. She has taken me to appointments when I couldn’t drive myself (both physically and psychologically). She delivered me to surgery, and collected me after (and spent the day cleaning my kitchen to take her mind off it). 
    My surgeon said she would get me through this. My breast care nurses have been tremendous. The staff at the hospital have been kind and caring. Above and beyond - like the radiographer who held my hand when I cried before the MRI scan and told me that she had got through it. 
    I’m still scared, I’ve just had my last radiotherapy session. I’m scared of what happens next. 
    There are a huge group of incredibly kind people on here who will know how you feel because we’re in the club no one wants to be in. But they will help. 
    I may have gone on a bit, but shout if you need to talk


  • Thanks for responding. Im very sorry to hear about your story. But hey, you've almost done this. Well done!! 

    It really is comforting to know that there are so many people in the Hospital who are there for you if and when you need them. As for this group, it seems the same thing applies. I suppose its a case of who else really knows how we are feeling.

    I know different people have different ways of dealing with things but I feel really hurt that she hasn't even asked how I'm feeling at this stage. What is she going to be like if I do get the result noone wants to hear. I will need my family even more then. I think I'm more scared of that than I am at any potential treatment. 

  • Hello Rachel. I am slightly ahead in that I had 2 appointments of biopsy mammography,  following the mammogram recall. I have DCIS which in some ways great because it can't have spread and not so good in that they have found 5 sites over an area of 3.5 cm. Am really really scared. I have my first hospital appointment with the oncologist on Monday to discuss my options and plan. 

    Ever since the recall I have not slept well and torment myself with questions as to how it happened when I'm so slim extremely fit and healthy and do none if the things which are risk factors. 

    Friends have been lovely on the whole but some don't realise what I'm facing. They say things like you have to be positive.... I KNOW that but I can't achieve that right now, I'm crying, frightened, and dreading everything.  Some say oh they caught it so early you will be fine! THEY don't know that, and to me it's dismissive.....

    Your sister probably thinks you are ok. She might behave differently if your results are not so good? Talk to people who help. I have cut out 2 well meaning one's who sent you tube links about fightthis yourself with vitamins/prayer/meditation/don't go near doctors!!!! NOT helpful. 

    I am talking to a counsellor to help me through it mentally. 

    Just want to say how lovely and wonderfully supportive the ladies are on here. Strangers but one's who care enough to try and help and share things. 


  • Hi Sidney.  If you can, try to only deal with what you know right now.  The thinking ahead about different scenarios will drive you nuts. Also, Dr Google is not your friend.  I had calcifications picked up in December following regular mammogram, biopsy, diagnosed with DCIS and then a treatment plan.  My sister had the same thing a few weeks ago but have just heard they are not doing anything but monitoring her going forward.  

    Remember to breathe and smell the flowers.  It's lovely day today despite everything.  Lots of love to you xx

  • Thank you. I've been sensible and not used google. So pleased I found this group. Everyone seems so very supportive. Just wishing my sister was. 

  • "D-Day" tomorrow. I was feeling pretty OK about it. What will be, will be and all that. But I think the stress of the waiting has finally got to my hubby and daughter who both had mini meltdowns earlier, which in turn has got me worried - more for what it might mean for them if I get bad news.

    Jumping the gun a little bit, but if you get the bad news, how do you cope with worried family members while trying to get through this yourself? I've had heart problems in the past which totally floored my hubby - caring for me, looking after the house and our autistic daughter as well as working (self employed).  As the "patient" I was being looked after left, right and centre but noone was there for him. If it were bad news tomorrow, I really don't know how he will cope. 

    I know it should be about me but seriously how do you all manage this. 

    Seriously worried now Disappointed 

  • Hello.  Good luck for tomorrow .  I had two area of calcifications in 2015, both biopsied and one benign the other high grade dcis - click on my name to read my profile .

    If, and that's an if, it's bad news the treatment could be just surgery & radiotherapy, no chemo .  You will all cope. I didn't have chemo so had an easy treatment route. Day surgery and 15 minute a day for 3 weeks for radiotherapy.  Mentally it's hard but once you gave treatment plan it's easier.  

  • Thank you. I know I'm jumping the gun but I have all sorts going through my mind and plenty of what ifs. Trying to be positive but struggling. Tomorrow can't come son enough Weary 

  • Waiting for results is awful. The what if’s take over. I did have a 2 am realisation - whatever it is it’s already happened and it’s how we go forward that counts. 
    I feel lucky that mine was caught early and I’ve since had a test that shows I’m at low risk of it reoccurring or spreading further (Oncotype DX).  The result came just as I was going to start chemo, but the results showed that it would potentially do more harm than good. 
    Everyone is here for you x

  • Thank you Heart  I have a feeling I'm going to need this group if tomorrow doesn't go my way.