Mammogram recall

  • 13 replies
  • 307 subscribers

I am petrified I have just received a recall letter following routine mammogram . I just don’t know how to cope!!!!!!

  • Hello,

    I can understand your worry but there are two situations here. Firstly there was an error in the mammogram  and the recall is because the mammogram isn't clear. Next one could be fine.

    The second scenario is that the mammogram shows a change from previous scans. Again there are explanations ....cysts, ...etc which can be monitored or removed if necessary.

    If it should be a cancer tumour this is more serious but you will have been lucky because cancers found early are usually treated successfully.  A mammogram found mine in 2015. Treatment wasn't always pleasant and it wouldn't be honest to say there haven't been ' what if....' days but I have been cancer free since my lumpectomy nearly six years ago. I have always been grateful to that mammogram and the follow up tests because I had no idea the cancer tumours were developing.

    I hope your recall is nothing and that it happens quickly but stay in touch and let us know what is going on.

    Take care. Try not to worry too much( I know....stupid suggestion) until you know more.

    Love Karen

    1. I
  • Thank you my appt is Friday the letter came last wed so I have been getting more anxious day by day I can’t eat sleep just want to hide 

  • Hi Piggie.  I was recalled from my first routine mammogram in 2015.  I remember well the anxious wait.  I was sent to a one stop clinic.  There were 5 of us there, all recalled.  One by one we had repeat mammogram - this was where I first found out they were only interested in my left breast in two areas as the radiographer told me when marking my breast.  Then we all sat waiting together for the doctor who was running an hour late - yes don't mind us!!!  As we had a chance to chat I found out what others knew about their recall.  First lady had been recalled 3 months previous but their attempt to take biopsy had failed so they recalled.  After her repeat mammogram & ultrasound whatever they had seen before was no longer there so she was sent on her way.  Lady number 2 also sent away by doctor as she just had a cyst.  The rest of us had to have biopsies.  The other two were told they definitely had cancer and given indication of type, extent etc.  I was told 99% certain not cancer by doctor but behaviour of radiographers doing biopsy & the fact as I was last they sent BCN to sit with me told me otherwise.

    I was given an appointment for a week later for results.  They said they give results in person good or bad.  I was told at my appointment area 1 which was 5mm was benign, area 2 which was 10mm was intermediate grade DCIS.  Just 6 weeks later I'd had surgery to remove offending area, followed by radiotherapy.  I just have a small dent in my breast, barely noticeable.  

    Every year thereafter I had an annual mammogram.  year 3 they saw something on good breast and did biopsy.  That proved benign but they repeated mammogram to be doubly sure and decided it had been a bruise as it was now gone.

    Now 6 years later I'm back to routine 3 year mammograms which I'm not sure I'm happy about as early detection is best.

    Lots of ladies post on this site in your position, awaiting clinic appointment.  Lots of them come back and tell us they've been given all clear which is fabulous to hear and helps others in your position.

    So good luck for your appointment and do let us know how you get on x

  • Thank you Carol xx

  • I see you’ve responded to a thread that’s quite old! Are you waiting for the outcome of a recall following a mammogram? x

  • I was recalled last week and am now waiting for the results of a biopsy. This is terrifying. When do I tell my family? How do others deal with the anxiety of waiting?

  • Just have to take it one day at a time, although it is stressful waiting for your results of biopsy.hope all goes well take care.

  • I had mammogram in July and was recalled in 20 of july . As image wasent clear got there rea done my right breast . Then so doctor had go for scan examination . But I never notice anything wrong told had go biopsy . As could be soothing .one week Ayer called in by letter and it was positve no put on pills slow down . Got plastics then surgery and go on to radiation . Ian going out of mind with worrie and to tell my husband and kids to . I hope you have positive result and you get all clear that’s nothing all best fingers crossed xx

  • Am sorry about spelling this phone awwfulll