Letrozole side effects

  • 6 replies
  • 300 subscribers

Following a lumpectomy in July 2019, for an extremely tiny early cancer, I was so lucky not having to have chemo or radiotherapy. I am taking letrozole ( it was another tablet that caused bad side effects) but I’m suffering sever side effects on Letrizole too, I know I have to keep taking these for five years and wonder what state I will be in five years ?. 
I have palpitations, stomach pain, heart burn, bowel problems ( I also had colon cancer 2018) pain in all my joints including fingers and toes. Does anyone know if these side effects wear off? Do they get less or worse? How do you manage these.   I’m seeing GP on Monday and I’m thinking that this is  a combination of Bowel issues and these tablets with pain.

when I stopped my first oestrogen blocker the CNS was very off with me and I now feel I can’t ask again. Any advice please thank you so much 

  • Hi , 

    Im on letrozole, my fingers are terrible in a morning when I wake up, I can’t clench my hand into a fist for a while. I get out of bed and wobble at first.

    My knees hurt first thing in the morning but ache most of the time. My oncologist has prescribed some vitamins Adcal-D3, I’m not taking them at the moment as I’m waiting for a Dexa scan.

    I think you are right to go to your GP, i have a balm which I use in my knees and I take ibuprofen at night if I need too.  
    Pls let us know how you get on at the Drs x

  • Hi,

    I too take Letrozole but was already (post menopausal) taking a Rose hip supplement and an antihistamine (Loratidine) which does help against bone pain, as I was already taking Alendronic Acid, having osteoporosis. 

    the aches tended to build from Letrozole for a couple of months but then began to ease, but with the approval of my BCN I added glucosamine with chondroitin to the mix, and then tried a course of vitamin B12 and the aches eased substantially. 
    I try to stick to one brand of Letrozole as other folk have found switching brands (generic) can cause a rapid increase in problems. So my pharmacy sticks to Accord brand for me. 

    hope these ideas can help?

    hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Beachwalker19

    Thank you Beachwalker19 Thank you for your reply. Whilst I fell incredibly lucky not to have needed chemo or radiotherapy for colon or breast cancer I never dreamt that a tablet could caused so any issues.

    im limited to paracetomol for pain as I take warfarin di can have ibroprofen etc. With so many symptoms I don’t know what the tablets of if my Bowel are playing up due to issues with Colonectomy. I fell 93 instead of 72 right now.

    i have taken Vitd3 for many many  years, I had aDexa scab ten days ago as routine as I had one last year as I broke my hip. I wonder if there are alternatives to the two meds I have been given?  Please keep in touch and I will let you know how I get on. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hello moomy

    thank you for your reply, yes I’m 72 so also post menopausal i did show as having osteoporosis on scan last year after breaking hip. I have do may side effects I don’t know if it’s all Letrozole of a collection of both colon issues and medication side effects. I’m limited with pain relief as I take warfarin, I have taken vitd3 for a many years.

    i  have a good chat to gp and hope he can come up with some answers, thank you again take care x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Beachwalker19

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been on Letrozole for two years now, after having been diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. I was put on them approx 7 months before having a lumpectomy and radiotherapy thereafter.  I have had terrible side effects, but since my doctor prescribed me the Teva brand that seems to be best for me, I’m coping better with the joint pain etc. (Dr Reddy’s were the worse brand I had.)

    I don’t know if anyone else has experienced weight gain since being on Letrozole and I do still get hot flushes too, though not as severe as they have been.  

    Luv and hugs to you all.  Take care.

    Moo.  Xx

  • Hi ,

    I’m so glad you didn’t need chemo. 
    Im reluctant to try a different brand of Letrozole as although I get stiffness and joint pain in the morning it does wear off so I don’t want to change I case another brand makes things worse.

    Yes will keep in touch x