Advice needed on scalp care

  • 10 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Hi. I had my first session of chemo recently.  I had quite a reaction to it and ended up in hospital for 3 nights.  Last week my hair came out in handfulls and I had it all shaved off.  My question is how best to look after my scalp.  There seems to be conflicting advice on whether to use oil or cream on it to help keep it in good condition.  Also how often should I wash it?  Any tips will be gratefully received.  At present I am using scarves when out, and am not planning on gaving a wig.  Thank you in advance.

  • FormerMember

    Hi and welcome 

    I have chosen to go natural, my scalp has tanned nicely and looked more natural now it matches my face. It wasn’t easy to Ararat with but I glad I embraced it. 

    I have kept it very easy, I use Simple body wash for kids and lashings of E45 lotion. I do use factor 50 sun cream if I’m out and about.

    good luck 


  • The advice I was given was to use paraben free shampoo with no perfume when I felt the need and to oil my head with either argan oil or almond oil if I thought it felt dry. The beautician I saw at my first chemo session recommended oiling at night and then wearing a cotton turban that would absorb any excess. It was a bit messy until it soaked in. I did use the oil from time to time. I only had natural fibres for my turbans....cotton or my head rarely got too hot. When my hair grew back it was ok. I had lost the blond but it isn't white just several shades of light grey. Hairdresser says it's  as if she put in I'm old the colour would probably be this by now anyway.

    I have continued to use paraben free shampoo, and aluminium free deodorant.   I'm not obsessed ( if I have to use one with I will use it.) I feel it's not that difficult to do this and if it does help prevent reoccurring bc, I'd rather make the effort now.I try not to eat dairy also. I swap cow's for goats or plant products. Courtesy of veganism being so popular there are very few things I can't  find.....yogurt, cream, milk, spread etc.

    Hope all goes well with your chemo. 

    Love Karen

    1. I
  • Make sure you protect your scalp even low level sun can burn. You might like to have a look at the ANNABANDA website they have a lovely range this year 

    MIND OVER MATTER - I don't mind and what you think doesn't matter.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mantin

    I lost my hair very quickly after my first round of Chemo, so was pleased NOT to go through the shaving stage.  I read somewhere to use shampoos as normal, but then heard many are too 'harsh'.  so there was a lot of conflicting reports.

    Then I read that anything with Royal jelly had good affects so used that in the shower, or as a cream over the scalp.  Hair 6 months on is now real hair, soft and of course the obligatory curls!  No idea if that was the proof that it worked or just lucky it is back.  I was lucky that my wig looked very good and I was comfortable with it.  (Wore over Christmas when no one knew I had even been diagnosed!) 

    I suppose if your scalp was a problem try what mums use on babies to stop cradlecap, which is bound to be just moisturiser.  Do what you feel comfortable with scarves and things.  I found the best thing was what was basically a tube!   Put over your head and pull up from your neck and tuck in any stray bits of material at the crown or the bottom of it.  Didn't make you too hot like some of the scarves as they had so much material.  They are cheap too as all the sports shops sell them in good colours.  Good luck xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your reply.  I hadn't thought of buying something for cradle cap, and hadn't heard that about Royal Jelly, but have today bought some conditioner - something I never used as my hair was soft enough!  I still have another 6 sessions to go, so it's going to be a long time before my hair starts to grow again properly.  I'm managing fine with scarves at the moment, but may need something more in the winter.  I think I have one of those "tube" things somewhere, it was my partner's.

    It sounds as if you're doing well, and that your hair is growing back well.  My hair used to ve very dark, but have been white now for many years.  However there are some dark hairs in the stubble, so it will be interesting to see what colour it does eventually grow back!

    Thanks again, and I hope you continue to make good progress.  X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your reply.  I have bought some Simple bodywash, as well as some conditioner and factor 30 sunscreen.  I'm not intending to go out and about without a scarf, but will put it on when going in and out of the garden.  I have found that the stubble is quite frail, so trying to keep my head uncovered as much as possible when at home.

    Thanks again. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lacomtekp

    Thank you for your answer.  I'm using Simple bodywash, and have bought some conditioner and factor 30 sunscreen today.  I have found that the stubble is quite fragile, so only wearing a scarf when out and about.  My hair used to be very dark, but has been white for many years now.  It's interesting to see that some of the stubble is dar, so it will be interesting to see what colour does grow back!  However I have 6 more sessions to get through, so it will be a whike before I find out.

    Thanks again x

  • . Also hairdresserHi Mantin

    just a quick line gonna try for some sleep tonightI was told use product with 0% parabens

    hairdresser recommended a treatment I’ll post name tomorrow 


    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    hi again,

    interesting what you say about your hair colour!!  My hair before was quite dark , but my fringe area salt & pepper tones.  It was mostly white as it came in and now as it is growing is starting to darken up.  Not expecting it to be as it was years ago, but you just don't know!   Of course other 'hairy bits' that were light or non existent before have come in a shiny black!!   I never lost my eyebrows over time either but had no eyelashes.  Not much of them these days, but that might change in time too.

    sorry to hear your treatment is ongoing, but in one way the time will fly by as you rebuild your time around treatments, and in another way will seem like eternity!  good luck and keep glowing.  x

  • Hi

    Fog lifted a bit now ..finally day 6 and had some sleep Sleeping

    The product my hairdresser recommended for use before and after is Nioxin 

    full range of product can be bought .. online but also sold at hairdressing wholesalers.

    Dont gave to use all but can dip in and out .


    One step at a time and ...Breathe !