Crafts and BC

  • 853 replies
  • 331 subscribers

Just thinking ladies, as we are all going through much the same journey that we should have a thread on here for crafts. I am sure there are lots of you knitting, crocheting, sewing etc to keep the dreaded side effects at bay and help us cope day to day.

I personally knit and have posted on here some of my knitting. Would be nice to see/hear what other people do. We could share pictures, hints and tips as well

So I will start with a couple of things I have done in the last few days.

 This is my slouch hat that I finished on Friday night. Will be wearing it for the first time today!!

 This was on the needles saturday night ......

 And finished saturday night.    A little headband/earwarmer for my granddaughter.

I am now off to have my PICC line inserted ready for 2nd round of chemo tomorrow (!!!!!!):)

Hope to see lots of pics when I come back!!

Have a good day everyone  xx

  • What a lovely idea, I love to knit, crochet and do cross stitch. I find it helps me relax, I did lots of tiny baby clothes for the local neonatal unit during my chemo, and have carried on, I have just finished a blanket and cardigans for my daughters friends baby.

    Also my latest cross stitch.

    Hope you got on ok with your pic line.

    love and hugs to everyone.

    Jenny xx

    Stay Safe everyone, Love and hugs Jenny xxx

    “ We don’t know how strong we are, until being strong is the only choice we have.” xx

  •  and

    I love quilting but have ,been really rather lazy like with the walking, so this may just spur me on. Of course that may mean a housework thread to as that has been ignored as well. eeeekkkkk

    Also it's so good to see how others get through BC using arts and crafts. Someone - can't remember who - on the Awake thread draws some amazing pics. Plus just the visuals will cheer us up on soggy afternoon like today

    Of course no one will be here to sell their items or promote their businesses as that would be frowned upon by those in charge at MacMillan

    Right now my decision is : quilt, iron or clean? No brainer then sewing machine here I come 

    Take care and keep us all in stitches

    Leolady56 aka Lindsay

    Life is like a boxing match, defeat is declared not when you fall ..... But when you refuse to stand up again ....... So, I get knocked down but I get up again. x

  • Hi jenny Love your baby items, such a gorgeous pink!!

    Never tried cross stitch, my mum used to do it a lot and have often thought I should try to learn. Mybe this is the right time!!!

    Lovely cross stitch though with the ribbon of hope

    Take care

    Oh, Picc line went well, better than expected!


    Love Edwina xx

    Back here again for hubby diagnosed with oesophagus cancer - Sept. 2021   Face palm tone2

    You’re allowed to scream  - You’re allowed to cry  - But do not give up

    MAMMOGRAMS save lives, I'm the proof!!! 

    7 rounds of chemo, finished 30th May 2018. 15 zaps of radiotherapy, finished 26th July 2018.

    I Survived .......... Sadly my hubby did not.Pensive



  • Hi, I also knit I am in our local Women’s institute and we have done a lot of knitting for charities, we knitted quite a few twiddle muffs for dementia patients, and prem hats blanket’s , I too find it relaxing I am doing a bit of embiodery at the moment haven’t done it for years , I find it takes my mind off thing’s and I like the peace.

  • Me Again

    A friend was telling me how in her BC consultant's room (this is in South Africa) they had baskets of sewing and knitting. The eventual items went to children's homes etc.

    She did say hers probably took more time to fix and unravel than was of use but ......

    Might be good for some people, especially as my onco wait today was LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG

    Take care no pricking fingers


    Life is like a boxing match, defeat is declared not when you fall ..... But when you refuse to stand up again ....... So, I get knocked down but I get up again. x

  • I knit mad jumpers for myself. This one is designed to wake people up!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Snowys Mum

    I knit, crosstich and occasionally draw. I would like to crochet, but really can't do anything apart from squares - anything beyond that confounds me, apart from the attached picture, which was made for a friend as a joke  - I made it up as I went along, and it turned out okay! 

    I normally knit toys and baby things as I get fed up with bigger stuff. I usually have several things on the needles at the same time...

  • Love this thread - I knit, amongst other things - I'll probably be back later with a better post but wanted to throw a shout out for knitted knockers! I've knitted my own but they are a very good charity cause along with the fiddlers and premie stuff - I think they accept crochet versions too - spread the word! ;)


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ronstar


    Some one put a pic on of a knitted knocker n ill be on it , ill crochet can knit but nearly had me eye out once, 

    i do sew too. So chuck sum ideas in for me to sew.

    Thankyou xxx

  • Hope these give you an idea x

    love and hugs 

    Jenny xx

    Stay Safe everyone, Love and hugs Jenny xxx

    “ We don’t know how strong we are, until being strong is the only choice we have.” xx