Tamoxifen and magnesium

  • 9 replies
  • 317 subscribers

Hi, does anyone know if it's ok to take magnesium with Tamoxifen?



  • FormerMember

    Hi I was told that lack of magnesium maybe related to anxiety and taking tamoxifen can reduce your levels. As I am suffering with anxiety at the mo I am just waiting the results of blood tests to check levels. The doctor was not inclined for me to just take supplements without checking first. So from my experience I'd suggest maybe asking your doctor first before taking just in case. Hope that helps x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thankyou, I have to pick up my prescription tomorrow so will see what the chemist says, I didn't realise the Tamoxifen can reduce levels, was just putting symptoms into dr google and wondered if I'm low on magnesium, have been on tamox nearly 4 years, only 6 to go...

    Good luck with your results, hope the anxiety gets sorted

    Thanks for the reply xx

    1. Spinach — 1 cup: 157 milligrams (40% DV)
    2. Chard — 1 cup: 154 milligrams (38% DV)
    3. Pumpkin seeds — 1/8 cup: 92 milligrams (23% DV)
    4. Yogurt or Kefir — 1 cup: 50 milligrams (13% DV)
    5. Almonds — 1 ounce: 80 milligrams (20% DV)
    6. Black Beans — ½ cup: 60 milligrams (15% DV)
    7. Avocado — 1 medium: 58 milligrams  (15% DV)
    8. Figs — ½ cup: 50 milligrams (13% DV)
    9. Dark Chocolate — 1 square: 95 milligrams (24% DV)
    10. Banana — 1 medium: 32 milligrams (8% DV)

    Top 10 foods which show their magnesium levels, if this is any help?

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lesleyhelen

    Thanks for that lesleyhelen. Yay it's official we MUST eat chocolate

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lesleyhelen

    Thankyou! I asked the pharmacist today and she said that magnesium is fine with tamoxifen. I have bought magnesium citrate which is apparently the purer form, hoping it will help with the tiredness/cramp and muscle aches, worth a tryEsp when I googled lack of magnesium and I seem to have almost all of the symptoms

    Sue xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi sue just wondering how have you got on with the magnesium tablets ? Do you feel they have helped your symptoms 

    Thank you 

    Heather xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    kia ora

    keen to know also.  just started using magnesium with my daily dosage of tamoxifen.  using t now for two years


  • I was wondering if you noticed this is an older thread begun 11 months or more ago. Last post was 5 months ago. People may not reply if they have moved away from the site, just to say. I bet now I’ll be wrong and you will be inundated with replies FlushedKissing heart

    A pharmacist is a good source of advice if none come from here especially in the independent ones

    Happy days


    Life is like a boxing match, defeat is declared not when you fall ..... But when you refuse to stand up again ....... So, I get knocked down but I get up again. x