New referral - majorly anxious :-(

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  • 312 subscribers

Hi ladies, well I didn't think I would be here again. I posted something last year after having swelling in my right armpit, and I was sent for a scan where the radiographer typed the report up stating I had an abnormal looking lymph node. After an agonising 2 week wait I went to the breast clinic where I was examined by the consultant, who didn't find anything suspicious so rechecked my scan and advised me that there was nothing wrong and it was a typing error, no apology for the distress caused over an agonising wait. I ended up having CBT after because it distressed me so much and I have health anxiety. 

Here I am 16 months later and have a 2 week wait appointment on Thursday. I'm so worked up by it, mainly because of last years error. I started getting pain in my left breast about 3/4 weeks ago. Sore under my nipple, a white spot on my nipple where if squeezed a thick creamy substance comes out, shooting pains in my nipple and my breast feels so much heavier than my right. I have a burning pain going across the top of my breast and ended up in a&e on Saturday night due to the pain, which they put down to muscoskeletal pain, but because I have cardiomyopathy I had to be kept in. My chest x ray and bloods were all clear. I'm so anxious, and have convinced myself that it's going to be bad news. I don't really know what I want people to say. I have sciatica and been achy of late so naturally my mind is racing that I have it and it's spread to my bones. Which sounds rediculous I know. My GP put generalised breast pain on the referral and that he didn't think it was cancer but I can't get the worst out of my head. 

Someone please tell me to snap out of it! Somehow if I prepare myself for the worst I think it will be easier to  deal with but I think I'm just kidding myself. 

I'm in awe of you amazing people coping with all this, just the thought of possibly being in your shoes terriers me :-( j

  • Being this anxious is awful ......I was pertrified with terror at the beginning , I have always been anxious ( about everything ! )....are you getting any support ?  Try to stop thinking TOO far in advance with todays stress today ? There are two sayings " don`t ruin todays sunshine worrying about tomorrows rain "  ( it might not )  and " you don`t know how strong you can be until you have no option "  .

    I hope some more people pop up soon to tell you you are not alone ....and not the only one scared wishes

  • hi Rach

    I was the opposite, I just didn't believe it could be cancer because I'd had so many mammograms in the past and all were clear, I'd even paid for a consultation back in 1998 and had the most wonderful doctor reassure me that my lumpy boobs were just normal for me.

    When the breast care nurse started stroking my arm I just felt slightly sorry for her because I knew it would be nothing.

    Obviously for me this time it was cancer but hindsight is wonderful and I can now look back and say to you with utmost confidence, you'll be fine.

    Let's assume it is cancer, you are now going to be taken seriously, you'll be given some treatment options, most probably surgery, possibly radiotherapy and maybe chemotherapy and some other drugs like hormone inhibitors or targeted therapies.

    I was told to see my GP for anti anxiety meds and had Lorazepam and or Oxazepam, which allowed me to sleep and then attempt to rationalise what was happening to me with a less exhausted brain.

    It wasn't fun but I survived it and you can too. 

    These symptoms could be an infection or a cyst or something else, it may not even be cancer, but if it is, you've done the right thing.




     real life success stories to remind you that people do survive breast cancer

    Dr Peter Harvey


  • FormerMember

    Hi Rach81

    Sounds like mastitis (Infection) and mastalgia (pain) to me.  And with having something oozing out (possibly milk duct) it could be all related.  BUT getting checked out is a must.  Don't take any fobbing off.  I did have antibiotics at first but when it didn't go I went for a biopsy to get to it.  The doc (male) missed of course and with having no local I wasn't going to let me 'pootle' around my boob till he could find it whilst being in pain.  In the end it was an infected cyst and worked its way up to my areolar and out with a mixture of yellow lymph with some blood and pus - LOVELY.  Right as a bobbin after that but ooooh did the seat belt hurt!

    All the very best.  Not everything is cancer.  Very best of luck

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply to me. I really appreciate it. My hubby and sisters are trying their best to reassure me but unfortunately with the way my brain works it just falls on deaf ears. 

    The white stuff that comes out, comes out when squeezed. I was referred to the breast clinic back in 2013 for it, and if was checked & said it was just a blocked duct (at this same appointment they originally canned the wrong breast which resulted in them finding a lump which thankfully turned out to be fat necrosis after having a biopsy) so has been going on for a few years now, not got any worse, not got any better. The issue last year with the scan in my axilla sent me in such a panic because of a simple typing error, I can't help but get the thought out of my head that something was wrong and something was missed. My husband keeps telling me that if they missed something then I would have more signs and symptoms than I have, also keeps telling me I have 2 blood  tests in 2 days and a chest x Ray which would surely show something should anything be going on. I'm not so sure, but maybe that's because of the anxiety and not seeing anything further than a negative outcome. I'm just exhausted both physically and mentally and I dread to think how I will feel on thursday should the outcome be anything negative. 

    I also had a dream last night about a dear friend who passed away last June from a brain tumour, first time since she passed away and my mind is playing tricks on me over the meaning of it. 

    I literally hate hanging around waiting (can you tell?!) I'm off work because of the a&e visit over the weekend and I work in paeds at my local hospital so jus can't deal with it all at the minute :-( 

  • hi Rach

    do double check everything, I thought I was going to drive one of the ultrasound radiographers bonkers but he just laughed it off, he said, I've checked it three times very thoroughly and if there was anything there I'd definitely have found it.

    Ignore your husband, one, you have plenty enough symptoms and two, the symptoms I had were seemingly unrelated to breast cancer, it's not straightforward. The professionals may claim that the symptoms are obvious but you only have to spend an hour reading posts on here to know that's not true.

    Ask for reassurances, say to them that you're really nervous about this, something is clearly not right, pain is a very good symptom, it is our first urgent warning sign and you need to get to the bottom of it.

    In the mean time you need a distraction.  I have a nice selection of elephant jokes ... all completely harmless.




     real life success stories to remind you that people do survive breast cancer

    Dr Peter Harvey


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Carolyn28

    Hi ladies,

    I just wanted to take the time to say thankyou for listening, it's so reassuring to know there are people here who 'get' the anxieties and fears.

    I had my appointment yesterday afternoon, after what has been an awful anxiety ridden week. The doctor gave my boobs a good going over and examined the spot, and again advised it was a milk duct that is blocked, and that I should not try and squeeze the stuff out, if it was blood stained then he would be worried. Said he couldn't feel any lumps or anything worrying other than the usual benign changes to the breast for a lady of my age. I explained what happened last year with the error on the ultrasound report and hence my reason for being so anxious this time around. He said he wasn't worried at all, the pain has actually settled a little as it's the time of the month but he sent me for a scan on the left breast to be on the safe side. The radiographer was very nice, as was the experience (so much more positive than last year) She gave my breast a thorough looking at and found nothing that shouldn't be there. I was experiencing pain in my chest above the breast (due to pulling the muscle in my chest) so I asked her to double check there wasn't any lumps appearing up there and everything was clear and she was happy to listen to my concerns after last years error.

    Back into the consultant who advised it was cyclical breast pain and to take evening primrose capsules, which I started doing after last years incident and it did help, and that should I find any changes then to 'we are here every day, will see you again if you ever need it' were his words. And gave me a leaflet on breast pain.

    I had been so anxious in the run up to all this, and with the a&e visit at the weekend after a panic attack, my body has gone into shut down and every muscle in my chest and back have given in, I'm exhausted, but reassured that there is nothing sinister going on. My breast is achy from the digging from the USS as they gave it a right good look at.

    Thanks again, and I wish you all lots of love and good luck in your journeys xxx Rach xx

  • So pleased that there is one less anxious person around .......have a good bank holiday !!

  • FormerMember

    If you can afford to, get a private appointment and get an honest, quick check up. It may help to put your mind at rest.

  • I would if I knew how to go private  I don't have private medical care.So would I be able to find out if I could pay to be seen earlier?