Chemotherapy and my dog

  • 26 replies
  • 326 subscribers

Hi, went to see my Encologist for the first time yesterday and he told me that if my dog needs her booster vaccination and it is a "Live " vaccine , then I can't have it done while I am going through chemo.

I contacted my vet yesterday, and they said that it isn't a live vaccine, but then today a friend of mine has asked the same question of her vet, and has been told that it is a live vaccine. So I don't know what I should do now.

My chemo is due to start probably end of the month, and run for 6 sessions, and my dog should have her booster due in April.

Any advise you can give would be appreciated

  • Thinks it’s just kennel cough because it’s a live virus and is sprayed up the Pets nose

    maybe it’s just some vets and the makers covering themselves  

    Stay Safe everyone, Love and hugs Jenny xxx

    “ We don’t know how strong we are, until being strong is the only choice we have.” xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to grannylara

    I work in a vets and we have been asked by our head office to display a sign in the waiting area and consult rooms about vaccines and immunocompromised  clients.   It advises asking the vets advice before having a pets vaccine administered.  It is mainly the kennel cough that is a live vaccine, I think part of the concern is that some dogs can sneeze for a while after having it and so spread it around !    It’s similar to concerns about avoiding  children who have had the  flu vaccine really. 

  • Hello, I've just read a few responses on here re kennel cough. See no evil I've just had my dog's booster done and then the vet tells me to be aware with Charlie around chemotherapy patients for 2 week's! Too late mate he's just had it!! I live alone so have no choice butWorriedo be near him! I'm panicking now and too late in the day to ring oncologist. Will I be ok Worriedx

  • Hope you got some helpful answers from your oncologist and everything is ok.  Half way through my chemo and ur pooch due her boosters incl kennel cough and I was totally unaware of any potential issues. 

  • I am free from Hsv, Dominate Hsv (( Thank you buckler. Star2ClapThumbsup................

  • Our dog was diagnosed with an auto-immune nail disease when he was about 2.5 and there is some evidence that vaccines can cause a flare up. The only reason I mention this is because we decided not to vaccine at all after that in case it caused a flare-up. Our vet said that the most important one is the parvovirus vaccine but even then, dogs should be immune for life once they are through the initial set of vaccines and boosters - and our dog have had all the initial ones plus a couple of boosters by then. Our vet has been fine with us not giving any vaccines and we have had no issues. Our dog is now 9.

    You could easily get away with missing this one for 6 months or so until you're through chemo and your immune system is getting better. i guess the only question is whether your dog goes to doggy day care etc, where you would need to have kennel cough vaccine. 

    I had my covid and flu vaccines during chemo so as others have said, if it is not a live virus vaccine, I'm sure it would be fine.

    People have since asked me if I stayed away from my dog during chemo in case I picked something up and I hadn't even thought about that - the answer is no of course! He was my constant companion throughout.