Brain tumour

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  • 4 subscribers

Found out yesterday I’m getting brain surgery as soon as.then once I recover they will operate on my kidney. I understand everyone is different but just wondered if anyone could tell me what to expect regards time frames and what to expect.

  • I had 2 x lesions removed in July 2017 and a recurrence removed one Nov 2018. Both surgeries were really straight forward. Surgery 1 I was admitted the Thursday night had the surgery on Friday. The protocol then was to spend the night in ICU my surgeon said it wasn’t necessary - he was right! I spent the weekend on the ward and was at my daughters sports day on mon afternoon! The second surgery I went in on Thursday morning had the surgery late morning was in HDU overnight and was released on Friday. I was told that my surgeon remarked upon my ability to carry on so not sure how standard my experience is. But for me the worst part of both surgeries was the steroid come down which made me quite irrational!