
  • 2 replies
  • 4 subscribers

Hi all

I had my follow up with my urology oncologist today since my SRT at guys hospital. She gave me a prognosis of 2 years, and I've come home alone, to an empty house feeling very depressed. I really don't know how to deal with this news, and it's a very scary place to be. 

I'll also be starting immunotherapy in a few weeks, and with such a long list of side effects, I wonder what my quality of life will be. I realise everyone is different, and will respond differently to treatment, but can anybody give me any positivity regarding things right now, because I'm finding it hard to see any light. 

Thanks and sorry to be so negative Heart

  • Hi  

    Is that prognosis if you did not have treatment, it does sound very specific more often prognosis talks about how many people survive at least a number of years and then the question is what way your dice rolls. 

    In terms of side effects the list usually has every side effect known even when some are quite rare. Often when people have a significant side effect there can be something done to cope withe them. 



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  • Hi Steve, thanks for your reply. I didn't ask if that's the prognosis with treatment or without. To be honest, I didn't ask for a prognosis at all. She just came out and told me, which is not a normal practice according to a nurse from McMillan I spoke to yesterday. 

    As far as side effects, I'll just have to see how things go and deal with them when they arise.

    Sending love and strength Heart