Secondary Brain tumours - Possible Seizures?

  • 4 replies
  • 4 subscribers


I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences or may have some advice. My father had brain surgery 3 weeks ago to remove a large tumour (secondary tumour found from original bowel cancer site in 2018). He has 3 smaller tumours in his brain that will shortly be treated with radiotherapy treatment. 

he recovered amazingly well from the brain surgery. However this week we have noticed that he been getting leg spasms AND this weekend he stops talking mid sentence sometimes (for as long as one minute) before he can talk again. He is aware it is happening which is scaring him. 
are these seizures? Is this normal or is there a more immediate danger that cannot wait for his next appointment which is mid week? He has stopped taking steroids now for 1 week does this mean he needs to go back on the steroids? His next appointment isn’t until Wednesday and my mother is frantic with worry. 
thanks in advance 

  • Hi YoumeandtheBIGC welcome to the forum and sorry to hear how worried that you all are .

    I dont know what that could be but I would pick up the phone and see if you can speak to someone at the unit where he was being seen and ask them about what has been happening to put your mind at rest. If they need to see him sooner they will be able to tell you that.

    Pleas do make  that call and ease your mind and the family's as well.


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  • Hi Gail

    thank you so much for your message. We have called his consultants secretary this morning and are waiting for a reply. Hopefully it is something that can be managed.

    best wishes 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Danielle,

    I have had 2 brain ops as my secondary brain tumour returned last October. I am permanently on "Kepra" which is an anti-seizure/epilepsy tablets, I've not had one seizure. I was on steroids dexamethasone for a while after surgery and the dose was slowly reduced keeping an eye on any potential symptoms.

    Ask lots of questions about medication and symptoms. I really feel for you it's very frightening and overwhelming a lot of the time. I've had it in bowel, liver and lungs but the brain is the most challenging by a long way.

    Any questions please feel free to ask.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Martin, 

    Wow you have been through a lot and this sounds very similar to my Dad. Hope and mental attitude is half the battle. A friend says to us quite often where the mind leads the body follows :-)

    His cancer began in his bowel. Since then he has had operations on both lungs, his peritoneum and most recently his lower back. His PeT scan in March said his head was clear, 6 weeks later he started getting blurred vision, went for a check up and they found 4 brain tumours. They operated on the primary tumour and he will begin radiotherapy on the smaller tumours soon. I will let him know about your prescription. It’s good to know so we can ask the Consultant if they think this will help. 
    As you have said, my Dad also agrees that his brain is the most challenging. Very tough times. 
    you have been very helpful thank you so much. Take care and keep going!!!