Brain cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Anyone out there lost their balance due to brain cancer? Also have lost my appetite over the past week!  Brain cancer stage 4 , this is the 4 cancer in 20 years .

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Losing both your balance and appetite must be hard. I'm not a member of this forum but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet.

    I hope you don't mind me asking which of your cancers has metastasised to your brain? The reason that I ask is because this forum is a little quiet right now so you might be best joining the forum for your primary cancer as you'll also find lots of people posting there with brain mets.

    If you let me know your primary I can provide you with a direct link to that forum. Alternatively you could look through this list to choose the appropriate one.

    While you're waiting for replies, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi my primary cancer is in my lung 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community.

    I'm sorry to read that you have lung cancer.

    I can see that you've already joined the lung cancer forum which I'm sure you'll find is an informative and supportive place to be.

    When you feel ready to post there, you can start a new post by clicking on '+New' at the top of the page and join in with existing conversations in the same way as you did here.

    When you have a chance, it would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and treatment to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    If you have any problems finding your way around the community drop me a reply and I'll be pleased to help.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi EdnaL, I also have metastatic brain cancer from adenocarcinoma of the lungs I went through some really weird side effects I could spell anything out loud but if I tried writing it down it was gobbledygook I struggled trying to cook even trying to make a cup of coffee was a feat in it's self, it affected the left side of my body. I was put on Steroids which helped then had radiotherapy a month later which has shrunk my tumours. I am still on the road to recovery but hopefully it won't be too long before I get there. Hopefully they are able to sort yours out. Take care. Jackie 

  • This is my diagnosis too. At first they thought it was small cell cancer and sent me to that professor.  Then they realized there error. Went to see another professor and he decided I needed radiotherapy on my brain. 2 weeks later they decided surgery may be bast but need another brain scan first. Can't treat the lung unlit brain cancer has been treated. Still awaiting brain scan. Been 11 weeks in all, no treatment at all yet.But have been given 12month prognosis. 

  • I'm sorry they are making you wait so long. I was lucky and had my tumours zapped within a month of diagnosis, I suppose half of that was because the nurse I saw in a&e before being admitted on a ward told my daughter to make sure I stayed in hospital until the oncologist team worked out a plan otherwise it could take months. In the last 12 months I have ended up in a&e 3 times and I have learnt far more from them than I have ever learned from the oncologist team. Take care and fingers crossed that they sort you out soon.  

  • Balance really bad. Balance really bad! Is this normal!! I  post 8 weeks radiotherapy but my balanc and sickness is getting worse! My primary cancer was breast cancer 25 years ago

  • Hi  

    Sorry to read that you have really bad balance. I don't know if this is normal when you have secondary brain cancer as I don't have this type of cancer. Have you spoken to your CNS (cancer nurse specialist) about this problem?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"