Stereotactic radiosurgery for multiple brain metastases

  • 9 replies
  • 5 subscribers


My sister is recently diagnosed with multiple brain mets from triple negative breast cancer, plus other mets to liver and lung. 

She has been offered chemo which will target the other areas and possibly whole brain radiation in the future. We are concerned that the brain mets are a more immediate concern though. 

Has anyone had experience of a clinic either NHS or private that offers targeted radiotherapy for multiple mets? There are quite a lot, not just a few. 

  • Hi, I had stereotactic radiotherapy  ( cyberknife) on one brain tumour at Mt Vernon, in Middx in 2013. They did say they could probably treat several small ones  if need be.

    It may be that UCLH in central London might treat several? They also do gammaknife treatment there, another form of stereotactic radiotherapy.  It is NHS.

     If you're up North, I imagine the Christie in Manchester might also do stereotactic radiotherapy.

    Best of luck in finding somewhere.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi buttercup01 thanks for your reply. The Christie don't do SRS I was told. She's being referred for a second opinion to the Royal Marsden. I hope its quick. 

  • The Royal Marsden is THE cancer place down here, so I hope,like u, it's quick.

    Hugs xx.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Any news from the Royal Marsden ?

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi buttercup01

    It's looking like they won't take the referral. Feedback so far is that they won't offer anything different than local centre. 

  • Hi , how harsh if true re referral.

    As it's just for a second  opinion, you'd think they would.

    Maybe coz they won't offer anything different?

    Is there anywhere else you can try, eg UCLH in central London or Mount Vernon in Middx, just South of M25?

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • hi

    try UCLH

    The Marsden used to be the place to go but they're so busy, not just with UK patients, the standards are slipping. 

    So don't be too downhearted, you're not missing out on a magic wand, they can give adequate rather than outstanding care.

    They invested a lot in cyberknife rather than proton too. Although I'm not sure if proton is appropriate for multiple mets ???

    or like says, try Mount Vernon



     real life success stories to remind you that people do survive breast cancer

    Dr Peter Harvey


  • Hi , looks like proton beam therapy can be used for brain mets but not sure re multiple nets. The Christie does this, tho mostly for kids. There's also a private place, The Rutherford who offer it .

    Hope that helps


    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • I think the official NHS limit for treating mets with SRS is 4. I had 2 mets surgically removed at the RVI and srs on the cavities at NECCC at the Freeman Hospital both in Newcastle. Might be worth asking to be referred to NECCC (north east centre for cancer care) Also worth looking up Kris Hallenga from Coppafeel, she’s had treatment on I think 50+ brain mets. 
