Terminal agitation glioblastomas

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Sorry for keep on coming on here, today was a bad day my mam was so angry and aggressive at me and my husband. She was trying to get out of bed, she can't. I'm trying to get the carer's to come and make her comfortable. I just had to leave I explained to the nurse the reasons for us leaving. 

Half hour later the nurse rang me saying my mam wanted to speak to me, she put her on the phone to continue the abuse making no sense what so ever. 

This is so incredibly hard. I'm going to speak to the palliative care nurse tomorrow I can't cope no more. I know it's not my mam. Today was horrendous 

Thanks for venting 

  • I’m so so sorry for you - how horrible. I can understand that you needed to get out for a bit, it must all be too much. I know I can’t help, but I’m thinking of you and sending love and a hand-holding. You’re being amazing, Alex xxx

  • Oh Magpie26, it is so hard but you are doing so incredibly well to cope with this journey. It really does put you through the emotional wringer.

    Please vent here anytime. We get it. I get it. 

    Try to put today behind you. It passed. 

    G became less aggressive and agitated when the doctor added a low dose of Lorazepam into the mix. It was just enough to take the edge off things. He was on steroids for the last couple of months and they made him so nasty at times but the lorazepam did help with that. 

    I hope you get on ok talking to the palliative  care nurse tomorrow.

    Sending you a huge virtual hug and bucket loads of patience.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks so much I didn't go in today I need a break for myself. I get stressed and anxious going in to see my mam, it shouldn't be like that at all. I'll be speaking with her tomorrow hopefully get some answers to this hopefully get some meds in to calm her down, 

    She was fine at first then it was like a switch gone off she was like the devil. I know that wasn't her didn't matter what I said or done she was having none of it 

    See what tomorrow brings I need it 


  • Glad you got a wee break today. It's beyond tough. 

    G was at home until a few days before he passed. A couple of weeks before then the community hospice nurse had been in to see him and as she was leaving asked me how I was. I replied that I was ok and she looked at me and said "You're done, aren't you?" And cruel as it sounded, I was. 

    Try not to take too much of what she says to heart. Easier said than done but you know the real version of your mam wouldn't behave that way. She doesn't mean it and it's just the tumour talking.

    hang in there

    Love n hugs 

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks, it must of been so hard you! I'm completely exhausted now! Physically and mentally draining. 

    I know it's sounds awful but you just want them to go, before it's gets any worse. I'm just in a phase where I'm just existing at the moment. 

    I had a good cry to my friend today. I needed that. Such a cruel disease xxxx