Just saying Hi

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Letting you know that my Wife sadly passed away 4 weeks ago, She was diagnosed with a grade4 glioblastoma. In August she collapsed at work and was rushed in to hospital, after a ct and MRI they found a growth which affected her movement and coordination. Not long after surgery she was in a wheelchair and needed round the clock care. She was always very positive and strong, determined to beat this thing. It was/is very hard to come to terms with how our lives changed almost overnight. After almost completing her radiotherapy and oral chemo she needed to stay in hospital to monitor bloods and have platelet transfusion, we left her in the evening sat up in bed, looking forward to coming home the next day. I had a call at 1.00am from the hospital to come in as there had been some complications. The drive in was over an hour, by the time we got there she had already passed away. The complication was a blood clot on the lung which stopped her heart. Now we are arranging her funeral, it still seems unreal. We miss her so much 

  • Oh Totoro, I am so sorry for your loss. Life is too cruel.

    I supported my late husband through the 3 years of his glioblastoma journey and can empathise with all that you've been through. Sadly blood clots seem to be a common complication.

    Please be gentle with yourself over the coming days and weeks and know that this community is here for you. You're not alone. 

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    Sending you a huge virtual hug and lots of love

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you, and again for the hugs x

  • This is heartbreaking, I’m so sorry to read this. How could you process all this in such a short time? I just want to say that I’ll be thinking of you and your family Heart

    I lost my brother last year, and he sounds like your wife in his positivity and determination. Whenever I think of him now, it’s with happiness for everything he was. I have had a grade 4 astrocytoma for nearly three years now, and he taught me to focus on the good things, even when things are awful. It doesn’t make me miss him any less, but positive people are a blessing to have had in one’s life. Love to you all, Alex xx