Brain cancer from lung cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers


My dads just been told that the cancer from the lungs has spread to the brain. Does anyone have any experiences, what to expect, just any advice? 

  • Hi Louise274933 welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to hear what has happened and how obviously worried that you are. 

    Have any of the Doctors spoken with your Dad and explained this all to him yet?  HOW is he coping with the news? Can you go with him to any appointments, as then you will be up to date with any plans and any discussions with your Dad?


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  • Hello, 

    Since this post, we have found out next steps for now and my dad is a lot more settled. He is 67 and being confused doesn't help when he is told all the information but he will be transferred to a hospice to help with care for his mobility etc but they haven't ruled out stopping treatment etc so I'm hoping that's good news