Very recent brain tumour diagnosis.

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  • 55 subscribers

I'm sorry any of us have to be here, I lost my wife just before Christmas to lung cancer, possibly thru the process of grieving, I have not been listening to my own body trying to warn me of my own health, I have just had a brain tumour diagnosis, (this week) if I had paid attention this could have been discovered a few months ago, hopefully not to late! So far I've been told it's primary, it's location affects my speach and a few fine motor skills, I'm going to have to go thru this basically alone, yes I'll have family support, but no one at home at the end of the day, nights on my own, I've been doing this since my wife died, so used to being alone, but now, I'm ill it will be so much worse.

  • This is great news! Anything that gives you a chance at more time is so good to hear.

    I have to say I had a similar situation -  first very bad news and then mitigated news, which really changes your perspective. It’s hard to resent the original bad news after that - everything is a bonus, no matter how small.

    Good luck with the chemo and just ask if you have questions (not medical ones obviously, just experiences and tips). Like, eat healthy and hearty at the start as you might lose your appetite for a while later on.

    And enjoy your good wines! Happy to hear any tips on that too! Joy

  • The good thing is, it gives me, hopefully, time to try diet options, more good foods that can help fight cancer, less sugary food, more red wine less white, I already new some of it, but know, to actually do it for me.

    After my wife died, i had hoped in time, to have time to start again, I thought that had been taken before i had a chance, now I have something to fight for, I'll do everything I can to give me the best chance!

    As for the wine, try The Guvnor, fro Majestic, really good and not overly expensive!

  • The Guv’nor sounds spot on - will check it out, thanks! I’ve been enjoying the 19 Crimes red lately but I could do with a change.

    It’s hard to keep a balance between enjoying life and improving it, but you seem to have a good plan. I’ve cut right down on red meat and sugar but haven’t tried much else. But I do feel better for it, so definitely been worth it

  • Hopefully everything goes well for you and get some more time to enjoy your wine. Have a glass for me.

  • Great news. I hope a big hit of chemo buys some quality time to enjoy those wines. This is a roller coaster ride so hold onto that glass tight.

    Sending love and light and hugs

    Wee Me xx

    ps I'm more of white wine person. Love a good chablis

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Nothing wrong with a good chablis Grin

    1.  Not an easy day, arranging your own funeral, only got to do it once! 
  • That’s not an easy thing, hope you had a good glass of something after. 

    There’s not much of an upside to this, except to say - I’ve written an exhaustive list of how I want my funeral conducted, chose the music, picked a plot etc, to make things easier for my family. But also so I can feel involved to some extent. It made the whole thing feel a bit less weird.

    how are you doing otherwise at the moment? 
    alex xx

  • I'm sorry to hear about your wife and your own diagnosis. I saw someone suggest making a list of questions which is always a good idea as you have to take in so much information at the appointments. Perhaps they will operate on your tumour, depending on where it is located?

    I looked after my brother for 18 months who had 3 brain tumours, all discovered late, thought he was having a nervous breakdown initially. Its a difficult journey but you find the strength from somewhere to fight back. My brother had radiotherapy and chemo both were effective at keeping them at bay as they were all rather invasive. 

    It so helpful to come on this forum and see others reaching out and so many responding and helping with the difficult journey. Wee me was a very valuable source of comfort and knowledge, I didn't always comment and sometimes just read without commenting but its of great comfort.

    Wishing you a positive way forward with the support of others around you and this forum of course!

  • Sadly I have only chemo as palliative care, no other options for this one, time is all they can help with,, I know it's only a matter of time for me, just enjoy what time I have left as best I can, Thumbsupt thanks for your support Thumbsup