
  • 6 replies
  • 53 subscribers

hello all 

am new here but wanted to say I just lost my wife who was 54 years old to a gliobastoma tumour

She battled 3 years and 1 day against this disease and what a battle it was

  • Hi what a fighter bless her. I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife. My husband is 6 months in since been diagnosed with a glioblastoma he is 47 years old. 
    It’s such an awful disease to see your wife or husband suffer it’s just so unfair.. Sending you a hug and strength. 

  • Hi golfmad01

    I'm so sorry to hear about your wife. It must have been devastating. Sending thoughts and prayers and hugs. I hope you have a supportive network around you as this must be a really difficult time x

    This community is very welcoming, as is the glioblastoma forum, and I think there are bereavement forums too, though I'm not at that stage yet. My wife is similar age to yours - just 53 when she was diagnosed and had surgery. That was nearly a year ago and we're just coming to the end of chemo. I am finding the 'phoney war' part of this quite hard to deal with - denial, hope, fear but no major symptoms for now. Was your wife's battle constant through her three years or did she have good quality of life for some of it?

    Take care


  • Hi H

    My wife had one hell of a journey 

    Started in October 2020 when admitted to hospital with confusion slurred speech, MRI revealed a tumour which was confirmed as GBM, had a debulk in November 2020 then started 6 weeks of chemo and radiotherapy just after xmas, then once that was completed went onto 6 cycles of tremozolide 5 days in /23 days off, during this oeriod she was lambing 10 hours a day at the farm, no effects 

    recurrent op in Nov 2022 was success again but developed infection, so opened up again but bounced back in style, Feb seen her admitted to hospital with pneumonia and covid, yet she bounced back again, Scan in Aug showed tumour infiltrated into brain, back onto oral chemo but stopped after 2 cycles due to side effects,  lost all mobility at that point  but still managed at home with wheelchair and me, ended up in hospital start Oct for respite and after 10 days got her home where sadly she become very agitated and delirium set in, was sedated and passed away 4 days later

    been a hell of a journey lots of good times not a lot of poor times just mainly at end 

    use all the support you can get from Hospice, Maggies, and Mcmillian they are all brilliant,  reach out and grab with both hands.

  • So sorry to hear about your husband is suffering from this horrible disease, keep strong keep fighting and don't let it beat u, positivity will keep you strong through this 

  • That sounds a hell of a journey and what a fighter. Thank you for sharing your / her story.