Brain tumours

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Hi,I was diagnosed with my BT when I was 16 weeks pregnant with my 23 year old.i was told at the time I'd live to my 40s but was given 2 weeks to live unless I had surgery  ASAP but a specialist aneRelaxedthetist had to consulted first to try and save my unborn son who I was already madly in love with.ive always wanted to be a mum since I was little. I even went into child care when I left school. ApRelaxedroaching my 40th birthday was terrifying for me. I was about to be a divorced single mum with brain cancer. I was advised not to have more children as the pregnancy hormones  would make the tumour gRelaxedow but I knew I was going to have a  very much wanted daughter so me being me got pregnant  anyway.ive always been stubborn.  It did grow so I had a second craniotomy  and I was a mum of 2 healthy  Relaxedappy children  my dream had come true I was a mumRelaxed️ my children are now 23 and 19 and I'm still here I'm 48 and I've never been so grateful to be this oldSmile cancer isn't always a death sentence  I'm proof of that. It did grow again in 1999 I had a 3rd craniotomy and  temzolomide chemo and radiotherapy  (radiotherapywas a pieceofcake comparedtochemo) its 2023 and I'm here!! Divorced twice because of the cancerRolling eyes but I have my children  and I'm hoping I'll be a nana before I leave this earth . I'm stable. 6 monthly mri scans. Unfortunately  the radiotherapy  gave me a chronic pain condition  called  trigemiHuggingl neuralgia  which I'm on course to have treatment for.  But IM STILL ALIVE Hugging   wishing you all well on your journey.  It isn't always  bad news, hard work and exhausting yes a death sentence  no.