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Diagnosed 3-4 months ago with Stage 4 tumour. Had my radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Be reviewed in a few weeks. Ultimately I'll be a goner soon enough but until then I'm determined to live the best life I can


  • Hi Keith welcome to the site, love your positive attitude, wishing you all the best

  • HI Keith

    a warm welcome to the group. sorry to hear about your diagnosis but a positive attitude here certainly seems to help if my husband is anything to go by.

    He was diagnosed GBM4 in Sept 2020, had surgery followed by the 6 weeks of chemo/radiotherapy. He declined all further offers of treatment at that point (Jan2021) and said he wanted quality not quantity of life.

    Yes, we are  now in the palliative care phase but he also ran 6 miles this morning.... attitude and outlook make a difference.

    This is a safe and supportive space so please reach out here anytime. There's always someone around to listen who gets it, someone to hold your hand and to off a virtual hug when its needed. You're not alone. We've got you.

    It’s always good to talk so please remember that you can also call the Macmillan Support Services on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Clicking here to see what is available. This service provides lots of cancer information, emotional support, benefit and financial guidance or just a listening ear.

    For now though I'm sending you a huge virtual hug and lots of positive energy. Carpe diem!

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Many thanks for your message. I'm finding this all a bit tough due to the huge changes it's made to my life. I bore very easily and was very active prior to diagnosis. I'm not allowed to drive, I'm Unamusedving difficulty getting my entitled bus pass , I can't get active travel insurance, etc,etc. The usual problems everyone has I guess....UnamusedUnamused

    If I'm really struggling I'll be sure to right long messages. 

  • Hi

    I hear you. My husband is a total fitness freak so staying active has been his primary focus. Last year he ran two marathons and got a PB of 3:15:18 in one of them. 

    He got travel insurance through All Clear twice last year - first was for a week's skiing holiday in France and the second time was for a week in Paris. It was about £400 for each trip but perhaps worth checking out. 

    Losing his driver's licence hurt...he has always loved his cars and bikes. He did go back to cycling for a while but his eyesight and balance have now deteriorated.

    Hang in there. 

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Wow your husband sounds amazing guy 

    I was diagnosed 4w ago stage 4 GBM and also determined to stay fit ….. best way moving forward 

    im walking 5 k per day but not sure about running yet everyone surprised as had 7 hour removal op 

    im hoping to go to Majorca soon for a week but wasn’t sure I would ski next year 

    not started treatment yet so again might feel differently. So annoying not being able to drive 

    also realise I’m a control freak Laughing so need to let go 

    I wish you so much positivity in your journey. It’s unfair when fit healthy people are affected but I’m trying not to be bitter 

  • Hi Keith I’m recently diagnosed same and due to start treatments next week 

    positive attitude is great 

    I’m a v active person and realise even more so that I’m useless at sitting still 

    I’ve heard some very positive outcomes and people who have recovered with treatment 

    im an ex medic so used to doom and gloom but there are positive stories 

    im finding these chat groups useful and also knowing others are in the same situation as me is helpful and stops me feeling it’s unfair/ I’m the only one …… although ultimately I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone 

    life very definitely for living and taking and enjoying a day at a time is the best thing to do . I have found different pleasures 

    virtual hugs 
