Feeling lost

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  • 53 subscribers

My Dad had non Hodgkin lymphoma in 2018 and got through it. However in dec 2019 it returned in his brain. He had 2 out of 3 rounds of intense chemo (couldn’t continue) then palliative radiotherapy in April 2020 which they said would give him “months”. He’s done so well up until last week when he lost all his mobility and now lost control of his bowel. He’s extremely tired and very vacant. GP has prescribed steroids. Just wondering has anyone experienced this towards the end. It’s so difficult not knowing what to expect. Any advice greatfulky received, please be honest thank you 

  • Hi Flames35

    a warm welcome to the group. So sorry to hear about all your dad's going through. 

    Everyone is unique and there appear to be no hard and fast rules about what happens when, although  incontinence, fatigue and  being a bit vacant seem to be common observations. I'd suggest you discuss any concerns with your dad's doctor as they are best placed to know where he is at on this cruel journey.

    There's a section on  the main body of the website with lots of information that may put your mind at ease a little Supporting someone | Macmillan Cancer Support

    This is a safe and supportive space and I'm sure some of the others will be along with their words of wisdom shortly. There's always someone around to listen who gets it, someone to hold your hand and someone to offer that virtual hug when its needed. You're not alone.

    It’s always good to talk so please remember that you can also call the Macmillan Support Services on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Clicking here to see what is available. This service provides lots of cancer information, emotional support, benefit and financial guidance or just a listening ear.

    Please also ensure you take care of yourself here. Taking some "me time" isn't selfish. It's essential to ensure that your inner batteries are recharged and puts you in the best position to support your dad. I've been supporting my husband through his stage 4 brain tumour journey and I know only too well how tough this road can be.

    Sending you love and light and hugs. Stay strong.

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm