Inoperable, untreatable glioblastoma

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Following weeks of extreme anxiety about my Mum's increasingly intense and bizarre symptoms and having to beg for a brain scan, my beautiful Mum was diagnosed with glioblastoma about 3 weeks ago. We were informed the tumour is huge and has spread throughout her brain and they will not operate on it. They also said it would not be worth doing any chemotherapy or radiotherapy and that was it. They told my Mum she had months to live and told my Dad she only has weeks. I am really struggling to come to terms with the fact they will not treat it and can't stop going through it all in my head. I just wish so much that they would try at least SOMETHING to help slow it down. I feel like they've just given up on her immediately without even giving her a chance to fight it. I am very suspicious that their decision not to treat is due to the coronavirus.

I'm trying really hard to hold it all together for my Mum but things are very strained between me and my father and it's making everything so much worse. He just can't accept what's happening at all and I feel like he's just thinking about himself. Today he told me to f*** off back to the city I usually live in (200 miles away). My Mum is very emotionally detached from everything (this is due to the tumour which has changed her personality) which is good because she's not distressed but makes it very hard to connect with her about it.

Just looking for some advice, really. I just can't believe this is happening. I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare and I'm just waiting to wake up.

  • Hello Orchid

    Welcome to the online community. The one where no-one wants to ever wants to join, but hopefully finding some support when you do get here.  I'm sorry to hear about your mum's recent diagnosis, which must have come as a great shock. Your father is probably reeling from the news as much as you are and unfortunately lashing out in your direction in his frustration.

    I believe that there is another forum for family/carers where you may be able to get more answers or support. Hopefully someone reading this may jump in and signpost it. Sorry, I don't know more about it as I'm the one with the brain tumour.I've popped in to say that your mum might want to get a second opinion. If you can get your mum to speak to her GP and ask to be referred to another hospital. Its entirely normal practice to ask for a second opinion (don't worry about 'offending' the original doctor, she/he will give second opinions for others). Once you get the appointment to see a new consultant you can ask for the scan and any test results to be transferred so no time is lost waiting for new scans to be done. (In theory this should happen automatically but personally I did leave it to chance, which is just as well as they did not send them until I asked for it to happen). I don't want to raise false hopes as they may come to the same conclusion, but your mum would at least know that all options have been explored.

    My thoughts are with you at this distressing time. 
