My partner has a glioma

  • 7 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi I am new to this group. My partner has been feeling unwell and back and forth to gp over 7 years or more with fatigue. Just before Christmas my partner had 3 seizures and was admitted to hospital, they were discharged home from hospital 6 days later with a diagnosis of possible encephalitis. Once home continued to get worse having seizures and memory loss. We went back to gp who asked for a second review of mri where we were told there was a tumor on the medial left temporal lobe. 7 days later a biopsy was performed which was unsuccessful as my partner had a brain haemorrhage. The biopsy was repeated again yesterday and they are hopeful they got enough to test. My partner is really brave but I feel really scared. We get the results in 7 days. We have 4 children together and my partner has always been the strong one the support and heart of our family. My partner now sleeps for most of the day only really waking to eat. It seems such a long time of waiting to find out what was wrong and what treatment is available. X

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that your partner has been diagnosed with a glioma. It must be an incredibly difficult time for you at the moment but hopefully, once all the tests have been done and a treatment plan put in place you'll both feel less stressed.

    I noticed that you have joined the carers group and I'm sure you'll find that's a great place to discuss your worries with others.

    When you have a minute it would be useful if could pop something about your partner's journey so far into your profile as it really helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.

    Sending a supportive (((hug)))

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thank you for your kind words and advice. Sending supportive hugs your way x

  • FormerMember

    Hi  - I'm new to this group too and I just saw your post (Wheatglip19781983). It sounds so similar to my situation. I hope you have had the results and have moved onto treatment of some form? We are slightly behind you in the timeline of things I think... My husband had a big seizure in June 2018 and was admitted to hospital, discharged, then had a few more at home which was terrifying as they were full-on tonic clonic seizures. He went back and the MRI showed something they thought was swelling on the brain...then kept him in hospital on an antibiotic drip for 3 weeks for suspected Encephalitis! They couldn't do a lumbar puncture to test for sure, as the 'swelling' on the brain was too near the spinal cord. After a few weeks they diagnosed a low-grade glioma in the medial left temporal lobe (so same as your partner). Then last Nov the routine scan showed it had started growing more rapidly. He's booked in for a biopsy next week. Obviously with all the Coronavirus mayhem going on we don't even know if the surgery will take place. How is your partner, was the haemorrhage serious? I'm very worried about the op, but the virus pandemic has taken things to a whole new level - as I'm sure you're feeling too :( We have 2 children together. Totally empathise with how scary everything is, in this situation.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thank you for your message and I'm sorry to hear you and family are going through aa very similar experience. I too am worried about the virus pandemic and what effect this may or may not have on treatment going forward. Currently we are waiting for a start date to commence radiotherapy and chemotherapy but with the virus I have concerns regarding treatment making my partner more susceptible. I also worry about the children bringing viruses home etc.

    The second biopsy my partner had went without complication and to reassure in general recovery on both occasions was pretty quick apart from the ongoing fatigue and seizures which are a symptom of the tumor.

    I'm thinking of you, your partner and your children and once again thank you for your message. I do hope coronovirus does not cause a delay for you xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, I am in a similar position to you both. My husband has a grade 4 brain tumour also. We have 2 young children and I’m finding things very hard. My husband has had 6 weeks of radio and chemo and was due to start chemo again after having a month off but this has now been delayed due to the virus. He was supposed to have a scan to see the radio and chemo results but I’ve said no as we can’t take the risk of him going in a hospital at the moment. So every day is quite scary as I feel very alone especially with not having anyone medical for check ups or anything. How are both of your partners doing and how are you both? Hope your all doing ok and taking each day as it comes xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Mills19 thank you for your message and I'm sorry to hear you and your family are in a similar situation. How was your husband during radiotherapy and chemotherapy? We too are enjoying every moment we can and taking each day at a time. We managed to make Easter nice for us and the children a good friend dropped off some Easter eggs for us as we are self isolating and we had a fun egg hunt together, so basically making the most of everything we can. I hope you and your family are keeping well xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    We had a fun Easter too I done them a hunt with lots of chocolate and sweets and made little clues so they really enjoyed that. How old are your children? Mine are 6 and 9. My husband coped quite well with the radio and chemo. He was just very tired and very slow at everything which I think also had a lot to do with the steriods. His still very slow at everything and his right side is very weak. Sometimes words muddled and forgetful of certain words.  Has your partner started radio and chemo yet? How is he in himself? Has he any symptoms? Hope your ok and keeping safe xx