DVLA rules

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  • 31 subscribers

In 2022 I was diagnosed with a glioblastoma (stage 4) also in 2022 I had debulking surgery and radiotherapy with in ended in 2022, I was given chemotherapy which ended in 2023. I was told that I had to wait 2 years after radiotherapy 1 year after chemotherapy and 1 year seizure free. Which I have done I obtained all the application forms and posted them. In Jan I received a letter from DVLA with an update saying my application was now with my oncologist also with the letter was information about potentially be able to drive under section 88. So I called DVLA to enquire and they said that the information given I could drive the only thing that could stop me was if my insurance allowed it as some do and other don’t I called my insurance and they insured me immediately. I do have a mobility car so the insurance currently is direct line mobobility however on the 5-03-25 I received a letter from DVLA saying I cannot drive as its not yet been 2 years after radiotherapy treatment ended. I was extremely upset after I recomposed myself I called DVLA and ask them to recheck my application as that treatment stopped 2 years ago. The lady on the phone apologised and told me it was meant to say chemotherapy???? My specialist nurse confirmed that I could reapply at the back end of 2024. Any help would be great as I’m sure I met all the requirements, also if they are correct and it said that on the medical questionnaire and the other medical form then I wouldn’t of applied until Dec 2025. 

  • Hi Ktownwarrior

    I can appreciate your frustration here but I suspect you may be at the mercy of the DVLA . This however is not my area of expertise. I had kept this DVLA link handy though and it might be worth reviewing- Neurological disorders: assessing fitness to drive - GOV.UK 

    In my late husband's case, he was never going to get his licence back so this isn't an area I am overly familiar with. This group is a safe and supportive space so hopefully some of the others will have more relevant personal experience to share with you.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help here.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

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