My mam glioblastomas

  • 2 replies
  • 32 subscribers


For the last few days my mam can't sleep properly she hasn't really for past month or so.

Last few days she's been so emotional, saying I've had enough, I don't want to be hear no more. I keep thinking how long will it be like this for?

She's also cries when I leave and cries for me in a morning. My mam never cries at all. Think I've only seen her cry 3 times in my life.

Anyone experiencing this with all the emotions etc. As for sleep she just can't sleep.

She always has times for everything like she will know when I'm coming down, she'll always say well they get me ready for bed at such and such. 


  • Hi Magpie

    It's understandable that your mum is more emotional than before. It could also be the tumour itself that's triggering the emotions. Did you get to speak to the palliative team?  If you feel she is overly emotional maybe have a wee word with them.

    G was the exact opposite. He rarely showed his emotions but he did become obsessed with things and the time for things to happen was one of them.

    How are you? You're doing so well here supporting her. 

    sending love and light and hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • No think she's just like that with me and few of the carers, palliative nurse went in yesterday she rang me this morning, my mam didn't really want to speak with her, she didn't push her, 

    She was asking for her phone today I says you don't need it, that was end of that conversation. She acting very much like a child. Missing me not wanting me to leave etc .. it's a strange one like she never cries either think it it tumour. 
