Possible brain tumour ?

  • 22 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi hope everyone is well 

I am awaiting neurology appointment on 23rd this month and a possible lumbar puncture , around 6 weeks ago I had loss of vision , static vision , zig zags and just complete loss of vision and just felt really wired and out of control was terrifying this lasted between 15-25 mins happened again last Thursday both times absolutely have terrified me hence the referral to neurology I have pushed for mri or scan as had eyes checked everything perfect structure wise and really don’t think it’s normal to lose ur vision suddenly and this has now been two episodes I have other symptoms pressure in head , facial numbness , ringing in ears , nausea & sickness . This has led to extreme anxiety both times as I feel like I’m now waiting on when is it going to happen next I know from a scan 3 years ago I had empty sella syndrome  and pale optic nerves but these were done 3 years ago I have contacted doctor Friday about getting an appointment tomorrow as I’m terrified of this vision loss as I’m only 29 and never experienced loss of vision never mind twice in two weeks and it’s left me in a state of fear  I just don’t feel myself at all just very scared can someone offer any advice that would be great .

thanhs in advance 

stay safe x

  • Hi Pugslife

    so sorry to hear about the symptoms you've been experiencing. Sounds scary and I hope you've managed to get a doctor's appointment today.

    This group is very supportive and the various members have experience of a wide range of symptoms. Hopefully someone will comment shortly and put your mind at ease a little.

    In the meantime please try to stay calm and think positive. Easier said than done, I know. 

    It’s always good to talk so do call the Macmillan Support Services on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Clicking here to see what is available. This service provides lots of cancer information, emotional support, benefit and financial guidance or just a listening ear.

    To find information covering diagnosis, treatments and pages covering most types of cancers check our Online Information and Support Section

    sending love and hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi! I was curious if you had any updates to your post. I am struggling with the thought I kay have a Brian tumor. At first, I was concerned about breast cancer due to an exam, then I had a headache in one spot one day and I thought maybe cancer had spread. Well, I got an all clear on my mammogram and ultrasound but the headache continued. It’s more like a pressure headache. At first, in one spot. But sometimes it’s in the front, near the forehead, too of nose. Sometimes, on on the back of my head. Then I read about loss of vision and it has me freaked out because I realized I wasn’t seeing things far away very clearly. I wear contacts, but have always had terrible vision. But now I notice things far away are way more blurry. Is that what they mean by loss of vision? I feel as if I can’t telephone my doctor again due to me being so worried about my breast issue a few weeks ago. It turned out to be cysts that just need monitored but I feel as if I’m going to be viewed as a pest. However, this far away vision has me very concerned this is a brain tumor issue. I was going to see if you (or anyone else) had any insight. Thanks.

  • Any history in yor family of migaine ? A lot of that sounds related

  • No, I have friends who get migraines but as far as I know, I haven’t ever had a migraine headache. I do have bad anxiety so at first I thought tension headache. But it’s the pressure feeling that comes and goes and then the fact that I think my long distance vision, even with contacts in, has worsened. I just didn’t know if when they say “loss of vision” if that’s what they mean. 

  • Lots of images on the net. Loss of vision in that context means blind spots which actually flashy or scintillate. Changes in vision could anything. Possibly medication etc  I feel it is highly highly unlikely that sort of vision change is driven by the brain. I am nowhere near an expert but these sound like anxiety symptoms which are of course making you more anxious leading to a vicious circle. I think a check up on your mental health is probably the best route right now

  • Thank you for the insight. It’s really appreciated. I had a quick neuro exam with my chiropractor and he said everything is working just fine with my brain. He thinks it’s anxiety related. However, I’m still having the pushing and pulling sensation on the back of my head and now the muscle twitching has started. I also wake up shaking. I’ve had the twitching before, but it was resolved. I feel as if my left arm feels heavy and my left ankle feels weak. He was not concerned about any of that, and I am trying really hard to get my anxiety under control, but I’m still worried this is a brain tumor issue, and I’m just IGNORING it. 

  • Except you're NOT. In fact youre focusiing on it.

    I'm afaid I know very little about anxiety so am a useless buddy. But, I strongly lean towards the Drs thoughts myself, if not his style in telling you. IMHO you need a Dr that will help more with the anxiety than this one is.

    For my self - I feel better when I DO something. Anything. Talk to another Dr

  • I have an eye appointment scheduled today, which worries me about what he will find. I will talk to him about my concerns. I woke up many times last night, with tremors and that is concerning to me. Thanks for your perspective. 

  • I am completely freaked out now. I failed my field vision test in the eye I was worried about. 

  • Have an MRI done? This will be almost 100% categoric.