My Dad as been diagnosed with brain cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi everyone, my Dad as been diagnosed with brain cancer on Thursday evening ok am totally heartbroken, the hospital are having a meeting today red: the test and scan he as had to discuss where to go from here I’m so nervous for my Dad today , I was wondering if anyone as any advice I feel so helpless thanks x 

  • Hi Gems123, so sorry to hear you're going through this journey with your Dad. It's a scary emotional time. Hope the hospital meeting went smoothly and that you got some answers and a plan. Not knowing can feel worse than knowing in my experience.

    My husband was diagnosed a year ago with a brain tumour so I understand in many ways where your head might be at. Initially the news is totally overwhelming so whatever you are feeling is ok. It's normal to feel that way. You could well go through every emotion in the book and then some. I know I have over the past year and you know;s ok. It's natural. 

    As for advice..well ask the drs and the team every question you feel you need an answer to. Get the facts from them rather than Google. And most importantly, look after yourself. Your Dad's going to need you to be strong so take care of yourself. Make sure you eat, exercise, read or whatever you would normally do to be "you". That Me TIme to recharge the batteries is vital.

    This community is also a great support. We're all on a similar path so we understand. Feel free to reach out or vent anytime. There will always be someone to listen and offer a virtual hug.

    stay strong.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi wee me ,

    Thank you your words are comforting, I am so sorry to hear about your  husband and Im wishing him well and sending hugs to you.

    im going to call the hospital as more as come to light and your ya so confusing for all us.

    Thank you again for your message it means a lot 

    love to you 
