GBM4 Advice

  • 4 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Glioblastoma Grade 4

Hi Everyone, 

I haven’t used this in a long time so I apologise if I start to waffle on.

My Dad was diagnosed with GBM4 back in August 2020, He began to feel sick and very breathless. He gradually got more poorly so I phoned for an ambulance for him not in the slightest thinking that it would be cancer. He got took into hospital and diagnosed with a left frontal brain tumour. He had brain surgery then came home followed by 6 weeks of radiotherapy and chemo. Since then, his platelets have been up and down so chemo has been at a stop/start. Back at the beginning of this year, Dad decided to stop Chemo, it all got too much for him and was doing more harm than good. He has been having scans every 6 weeks that have shown a little bit of growth of the tumour each time. We had a scan a week ago and got the results a few days ago, the tumour mass has improved slightly but the tumour cells have started to spread around the rest of his brain. We feel devastated. He’s very tired a lot of the time now and has fuzzy headaches. They have put his steroids up to help with the side effects but there’s nothing else we can do. I’m looking for a bit of advice for what’s to come from people who have been through this.
Please reply if you would like to chat or give advice. 

Thank you everyone for reading. 

  • Hello . I just dropped by and initially thought you'd not had an answer to your post but I see you had a reply in the GBM4 forum.

    I don't have the same type of cancer as your Dad but by me replying your post will be "Bumped" to the top of the page so hopefully someone will be along soon to answer.

    Sending all the very best to you and your Dad.

    B x

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    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Brain Tumour Support

    sorry to hear about your dad. GBM4 is such a gruel diagnosis. My husband was diagnosed with a GBM4 in early Sept 2020. He had surgery and the 6 weeks of chemo/radiotherapy but declined any further chemo. 

    He had his latest MRI last week and we don't get the results for another couple of weeks. The waiting is torture. Previous scans have shown things pretty much unchanged. They are monitoring a blood clot on the surface of his brain that could potentially impact two major veins. He's also had issues with blood clots in his lungs. Physically he's still really fit. He's only 51 and was a marathon runner. Mentally he's slowly slipping and short term memory is all but gone. We'll see what story this latest scan has to tell.

    Not sure I've many words of wisdom to offer but happy to chat. There is a GBM4 group on here too that might be worth checking out.

    stay strong. Hang in there

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • FormerMember

    I am sorry but I cannot give you any advice but I understand a little of what you are going through. 

    My sister had severe headache on 5th March this year and was diagnosed with GBM4, inoperable. Midway through 6 weeks radiotherapy and chemo but prognosis not good as we have been to!d it is aggressive with average 15 months life's expectancy. She lives alone and I stay with her as much as I can. They say everyone is different. She has some short term memory problems and weakness left hand side. She is very sensitive to steroids which have helped keeping her pain free but has made her skin sensitive and weight gain. I love her so much and cannot believe this is happening to her.

  • Hi, My dad was diagnosed April 2018, after an operation, chemo and radiation he was monitored and doing well. Unfortunately yesterday 3 years later we were told that it has come back and there is no more they can do.

    we knew there was something wasn’t ok  as he lost his short term memory and has been sleeping a lot.

    I have been to the dark hundreds of times thinking things up in my mind, wondering what will happen and how will it end. The only way I get through each day is to live in that day, I try not to let my mind take me to the dark.

    Everyones experiences are different towards the end but we will find the strength. 
    No matter how hard it gets and I know it will be awful I think I have to do this for my Dad as he has looked after me my whole life. 

    I'm frightened to live without him I will forever miss him. He is only 62 I am 38 i have two sisters. He has five grand sons who adore him this will be the hardest part. 

    I know it will be pain free and I hope it will be kind. 

    I always think what would my dad say, he would say come and have a go if you think your hard enough let’s take this on. Sorry I haven’t helped much but I know how you feel. 