Hello everyone, I’m just starting my journey

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Hello everyone, my name is Kelly, I’m 41 and I went for my colonoscopy last Sunday where I could clearly see something was not right. It is around 33 cm in which is still at the very beginning of the pipe work.  Eight biopsies were taken and I am waiting on the results. I have my CT scan on Sunday which I am not looking forward to as I hate confined spaces along with the anxiety of what’s happening.!!!! 
my mind is all over the place, and I’m not gonna lie I am freaking out. I have been reading some of the stories on here and it has helped a little. If anyone is at the same stage as me, it will be nice to have some buddies to talk to xx

  • Ok this is a very long time to wait for just a colonoscopy? Mine was within 2 weeks x were you on an urgent pathway? I would definitely chase this.


    What are your symptoms x

  • Yes, we are pretty much at the same stage in our plan, so I had my MRI on Sunday and I am due to be in the next team meeting next Tuesday and from here I should have a treatment plan.

    there was a lesion on my liver, so the nurse is thinking it will be chemotherapy first for me xx

  • Thank you Karen, I will read that. 

  • Yes I've moaned and groaned at all 3 consultants involved and I'll plan to make an official complaint the day after get my diagnosis.

    Its truly appalling.

    I believe they think my cancer is so advanced a few more weeks won't matter. 

    I am aghast at the time this has taken plus all the years I have been telling my GP I feel so ill ( 5-6 year's) 

    They diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia,  Borderline Personality Disorder, Pernicious Anaemia and Iron Deficiency Anaemia.

    Just like my mother who died of bowel cancer in 1974 I have been treated as a hypochondriac and a mental health patient.

    It's truly deplorable.  

  • Hello xxx just wanted to check in and see how everything is going xxx

  • So I had my telephone appointment today and they are going to start me on chemotherapy in about three weeks. Delusion on my liver is secondary cancer from the colon and he’s about 5 cm xxx

  • Hi Alisha, I’m sorry to jump onto your post. I have had a bad fit test too and I am waiting a colonoscopy. I am so worried. I keep getting really sad. I have 3 children and they need me. I need to be ok! I feel selfish being worried about not knowing, being scared about a colonoscopy will it hurt if they take biopsy’s, I feel silly as I hate needles and there are people on here that have got it and are going through so much pain! 
    I’m just not liking myself much and I’m sorry to everyone that is having a hard time and I’m sorry that I’m worried about finding out. 

    i hope you are ok. I hope we both get on ok.

  • HI ,

    Its not selfish at all, it's perfectly natural to feel that way and its not a competition, just because some of us have been through the experience already - it doesn't make you experience any less important so please stop being upset with yourself. 

    I just thought I'd drop a line to say that you won't feel any biopsys.  I would suggest having the cannular just in case you need pain relief, but if you do then don't worry as they'll immediately stop and give you the pain relief before continuing.  They also provide gas and air. 

    Good luck!


  • Ahhh the best thing you can do for your children and yourself is be positive. Once you get some answers you will feel more positive I promise you x I will do this and you’ll get through this you’re taking the right steps to go forward xx if you want to chat, then send me a private message x 

  • Thank you for the reply, Cerysm. It really made me feel a little less worried about the colonoscopy and yep you are right it isn’t a competition. It is a wake up call to look after myself better. Thank you so much again! X