Hello everyone, I’m just starting my journey

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Hello everyone, my name is Kelly, I’m 41 and I went for my colonoscopy last Sunday where I could clearly see something was not right. It is around 33 cm in which is still at the very beginning of the pipe work.  Eight biopsies were taken and I am waiting on the results. I have my CT scan on Sunday which I am not looking forward to as I hate confined spaces along with the anxiety of what’s happening.!!!! 
my mind is all over the place, and I’m not gonna lie I am freaking out. I have been reading some of the stories on here and it has helped a little. If anyone is at the same stage as me, it will be nice to have some buddies to talk to xx

  • Thank you for the message! You are so very kind and so right! I need to hold my head up and carry on! Stop crying and stop worrying about things that are not in my control. I need to be a good mum and enjoy my little ones. I need to be more positive. I can do this. Thank you again it really does mean so much to read your message x

  • Hi Kelly, I was at the same stage as you three years ago and yes it’s extremely scary, the ct scan shouldnt feel as enclosed as your head generally doesn’t go in. By the time my cancer was found I was already at stage four, but I’m still here fighting.  In a way I was also sort of relieved as I’d been so “off” for months, finding it and starting treatment meant I could start to get better.  I do hope your tests come out with the best results for you