Hello everyone, I’m just starting my journey

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Hello everyone, my name is Kelly, I’m 41 and I went for my colonoscopy last Sunday where I could clearly see something was not right. It is around 33 cm in which is still at the very beginning of the pipe work.  Eight biopsies were taken and I am waiting on the results. I have my CT scan on Sunday which I am not looking forward to as I hate confined spaces along with the anxiety of what’s happening.!!!! 
my mind is all over the place, and I’m not gonna lie I am freaking out. I have been reading some of the stories on here and it has helped a little. If anyone is at the same stage as me, it will be nice to have some buddies to talk to xx

  • Hello. I’m Anna and I’m 45. I’ve just been diagnosed with colon cancer. I had two colonoscopies, the first showed a large stricture in my sigmoid colon, but they didn’t do the biopsies very well so I had another colonoscopy and all 8 biopsies showed cancer. Mine is about 40 cms in. Due to have a higher anterior resection on the 8th of August 

  • Hello there, I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope your operation goes well and you make a full recovery xx

    Unfortunately, there is something showing on my liver also so I’m due to have a scan on Sunday to get a closer look at this and then my treatment will be discussed at the next DM meeting xxx

    Kels x

  •   I had the same thing after my first CT scan and had to go for an MRI on my liver. It turned out to be a haemangioma which is a harmless cyst. Apparently they are very common and most people go through life non the wiser with them unless they have this sort of scan? x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • I can assure you that a CT is absolutely nothing to worry about. I had one recently and was scared it was going to be claustrophobic, it's not like MRI at all and it was also very interesting. 

  • I have weird feelings in my legs.

    It's been suggested that the metastases I have in my omentum are pressing on spinal nerves to my legs.

  • Hello Kelly, similar stage here. One week in from the shock.

    Colonoscopy a week ago, CT 4 days ago. Waiting for the Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) to convene in 4 days. I have two tumours, colon and rectum.

    This is a bolt from the blue and to be frank, even as I am writing this, I still haven't really connected with the reality of it.

    You are not alone. 

    Pia x

  • Hi Kelly, pretty much in exactly the same space as you. Had my colonoscopy last Friday, 4 polyps removed but also a biopsy taken about 15cm in. The consultant told me that she was quite sure it was cancerous. I had CT on same day, it was fine and nothing to worry about. Next is MRI on Saturday. It feels like each day is a week long waiting to find out what is going on and what any treatment may be. I am very grateful to have found this group with people having similar experiences. My very best wishes to you.

  • I am at week 10 from start of suspected cancer  pathway.

    I had been referred to colorectal team following meeting and I am now waiting for colonoscopy  

    No confirmed diagnosis-  no treatment 

    Very concerned.

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes it’s a huge shock but once you have a treatment plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. Treatment can vary depending on where the tumour is but often with rectal tumours it can be a course of chemoradiotherapy to shrink the tumour as much as possible before the op. 
    The MDT will decide on the best plan for you and I’ve attached a copy of a booklet that I was given at my first meeting which a lot of people have found helpful


    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Cheekkcat

    10 weeks is quite a long time to wait for action.....have you chased it up with your GP or oncology? maybe drop them an email asking for an update?
