Recent Bowl cancer diagnosis

  • 27 replies
  • 105 subscribers

Hi all I have just been diagnosed with bowel cancer. I have still not had any results back from MRI etc . I am finding the waiting so tough . Did everyone else feel as terrified as I am now ? Unable to sleep or eat much can't concentrate on anything.  I'm hoping once I have a plan of treatment things will get easier !

  • Guff123,

    Sure did.

    All quite normal. Try to keep busy and don't worry about what the future might or might not bring - no-one knows. Deal with what you do know.

    Things will because you will be fighting back, both mentally and physically.


  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the board. Yes once you have a treatment plan in place then things will honestly feel a bit better. There’s some great tips on managing stress and anxiety in the post below and the support desk is also available if you want to chat to someone in person?

     Controlling anxiety and panic 

    We’re all at different stages of treatment and recovery on here and happy to help and support you through yours

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thank you for your replys it's good to be able to chat to people who have first hand experience.  My family and friends keep telling  me to be positive and not to worry. I  know they are only trying  to support me but it's easy for them to say Thanks again guys xx

  • Hi Guff

    Poo test (Scotland) came back positive for blood in 2017....colonoscopy required ....meds told me there and then that it was more than likely legs gave way and I had to be helped yes we are all probably terrified when first told...natural reaction...nothing else to do but hunker down and fight the disease

    Waiting is certainly hard on us (and our partners) physically and mentally.... After many scans and tests diagnosed with Dukes A colorectal cancer ....4 hours of surgery to remove the tumour....back to work nine weeks later (now retired)....discharged by Oncology Dec 2022.

    Take care and best of luck


  • Thanks Peter hopefully get some answers this week 

  • Hi, I am in a similar position to you, only diagnosed 2weeks ago. It came as a complete shock to me. I too have found it hard to sleep and eat. I ve found eating small meals often is best and mediation really helped to calm me and get some sleep. The app headspace has a helpful ‘coping with cancer’ mediation guide.

    take care x 

  • I am in the same place. Didn't have many symptoms and then got told after my colonoscopy that I probably had cancer. Happened in half term and I have a little kid. Tried to put on a brave face and keep doing things but feel exhausted now. Am all over the place and can't stand waiting. 

  • Hi Jack.367

    sorry you are going through this too. I agree the waiting is horrible. I ve found mediation really helped me to focus on the here and now and stop my mind rushing forward with all possible worst case scenarios.

    take care

  • Cheers. I am trying to keep fit and busy but it is hard to not think about that day which is looming when they tell you the outcome of the tests. It is hard to keep things in perspective. For me the most difficult thing is the 'stages'. I almost don't know how to react or feel as the outcome could range between a simple op to news that could be devastating. Look after yourself and hope it all works out ok

  • Hi  Just wanted to welcome you to the board. As you can see you’re not alone and there is lots of experience and support on here. Hopefully you’ll get a plan in place soon - take someone with you to your meeting as there can be a lot to take in and please let us know how you get on?

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm