Secondary breast cancer

  • 17 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hello .just introducing myself .first time on here x

  • Hello as well sorry for the reasons why you have needed to join this site.

    I too have secondary's in by bones - primary is in breast.  

    Just to say you are not alone.


  • FormerMember

    Hi there!

    hope you find the group helpful. What treatment are you having?

    I have just been diagnosed really, just finished radiotherapy to my left pelvis. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    Mine was also not fare is it ..BouquetBouquet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm having zoladex and dunusanab injections ..pablociclib and letrozole 

  • FormerMember

    Hello, I too am quite new to the group. 

    I have secondary breast cancer. It is in my rib , hip , sacrum (lower back, ). I have possibly a nodule in lung. And 2 weeks ago broke my foot in 3 places.  So I think we all are feeling roughly the same and bloody cheesed off . I was clear from breast cancer for 8 years.     I am 63 and live in Aylesbury. I am also taking CBD oil. It has diminished a little bit on one side and stable on the other. I am only taking Letrozole  as she is waiting to see . The plan was zometa and CDK but she says we will save it for later. I also have had teeth removed in preparation for the zometa 2 stents fitted  and have rheumatoid arthritis. So take drugs there also.My husband reckons I was put together like Lego lol!!! It just is good that I can talk on here as it is only people like us understand how we really feel. !!

    Thanks for reading. Xx

  • Hi

    I am also on  Letresole, Palbociclib and have monthly bone juice injections.

    I agree whilst family/friend can be supportive it is only through this forum that we know how it truly feels.  Our family and friends are also suffering with our diagnosis and I think it is important not to lose sight of that but their suffering in a different way that we don't understand.

    Hoping our treatment continues to keep the alien at bay.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Very similar to me but I’m having ribociclib rather than pablociclib. I think they probably do the same thing. I’m going to the planning meeting for the ribociclib on the 30th. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That phrase about being put together like Lego really made me chuckle, it’s a shame we aren’t Lego as we could just keep replacing pieces! I needed Lego hair when all mine fell out with chemo! 

    I’m really disappointed too that I was 7 post primary treatment and now have mets. I am just thankful that we have such amazing treatment available. Letrozole alone is a great drug, it shrunk a friends primary cancer til there was nothing left to take away. And the targeted therapies that we can have are amazing and weren’t about when we were first treated. 

    I thought when I was first diagnosed that I might not live beyond a couple of years. Now I feel that I’ve been given another chance in a way, I’ve got to live whatever life I have left.

    And we are all in it together here, we don’t have to put brave faces on. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well said Nicky! Treatments are amazing now! It’s not an imminent death sentence as we all fear after being told! So here’s to a good but sometimes shite life! X 

  • I was initially given Ribo but my liver could not tolerate it so after a 7 week break was started on medium dose of Palbo - thankfully I have tolerated this am on the highest dose 125mg.

    I will be having a bone scan  in January and have my 3rd CT scan also in January so I am not going to think about it over the festivities. My next ONC appointment in is Feb.