Secondary brain cancer diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Hi, my mum had breast cancer 8 years ago,which 2 years ago which came back in her bone, following on from a recent eye test she was referred to an eye specialist. He detected something and requested an mri of her brain.Yesterday we were called to see him, where he gave us the devastating news that it has spread to her brain. Oncology have requested another mri which she is having on monday. They have also started her on steroids and referred her to radiology , we dont know what stage she is yet as not due to see consultant until later this month. My emotions are all over the place, I want to be strong for her,but life just keeps throwing things at her. Sob

  • FormerMember

    Hey Karen, you must be all over the place at the moment. So must your mum. For now try not to overthink things until you have all of the information that you need, especially as there’s another MRI to consider. Brain tumours always seem the worry, i think this also but treatments are good and can prolong life to a good extent depending on the findings, did they say if it was more than one lesion or? Sorry I’m just re reading your post, How old is your mum Karen?

    The steroids should help with any swelling/pain she may have, I’m sure radiotherapy is the way forward right now, 

    Keep talking to your mum Karen, and it’s not just about reassurance it’s all the things in between, the normal things that make life tick over. 
    I hated the way people changed around me when things like this crop up and I was desperate for normality, I’m not saying it’s got everyone but for me it most certainly is. Have you got someone to lean on Karen? I’m hoping you have and also  have the right kind of support that you need to help you cope more in the early days. Please involve the Macmillan nurses, they are an amazing bunch of people who will help you in ways that I personally didn’t know.
    Always here for a chat/rant /cry, 

    This rollercoaster just don’t stop sometimes, 

    Much love Jo XX 

  • FormerMember

    What a horrible shock for you all. I’d second the advice to give the Macmillan helpline a call, whenever I’ve done it they’ve got me back on track. Being brave is hard work and they will be able to help you get your head around it to help your mum.

    big hugs xxxc

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thankyou, my mum is 76. She has the most amazing outlook on life " its here and what will be will be, lets get on with it , and just take everything that oncology can give me"( I do the worrying for her). I have some really good friends and my work colleagues are amazing, always stepping in when I need time off for mums appointments etc .

    Karen xx