Looking for advice

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Hi  my husband on wednesday had news he beat throat cancer but sadly petscan has shown up he has bone cancer top of spine and pelvis both sides.  Been told not cureable, pallative care and 9 to 12 months if he does not try immunetherapy.   Hes going for biopsy next week to confirm cancer. But ive read that petscan can give false readings so im praying even though we got told they say its cancer.    As anyone had immunetherapy.   Does it prolong life.. Can it cure even though the dr saying no.   We are so heartbroken but very very confused.  Hubby looking for some advise'. Thankyou for ur time x

  • My Father-in-Law who is almost 90 was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and given 5-7 months without treatment.  He had four rounds of chemo and is now having Immunotherapy and is still with us 13 months later so it's definitely slowed things down for him.  I wish you and your husband all the very best x

  • So sorry about ur father in law, life is so cruel.  Oh thats brilliant news really is. This gives me hope for my hubbybx.   Thankyoubso much x

  • Dear Cazza2190,

    I have altering CT and PET scans as I'm an incurable. My last PET scan lit up my C7 vertebrae. There was a bit of a debate about what it might mean as, as you say there are other reasons a PET scan can show 'positive'. In the end I had a MRI scan and the two scans were reviewed together by my oncologist and an expert radiographer. In my case they determined the cancer has now also spread to my spine.

    I tell you this because there remains a chance the PET scan gave a false positive result. If the biopsy results are not good ask about Densumab injections as these will help maintain hubby's bone density. I've started a course - one injection every six weeks. 

    I've been told I can have immunotherapy further down the road but it's been made clear to me that the treatment is about preserving my quality of life and is palliative only. Similarly, with the short course radiotherapy I received to my neck for pain management.

    People see the world in different ways but for me my prognosis has empowered me; however, that empowerment has required acceptance of where my journey ends.

    I earnestly hope you and hubby receive the best news following the biospy.

    All the best.


  • Hi

    Thanyou for ur reply.  Believe it or not ur the only one who has actually made sence.    Im sorry for ur diagnosis, empowerment and acceptance i think is the best thing.  My hubby is at present debating if he should have immunetherapy as hes very tired.    Biopsy is this week so im trying to think positive untill proven otherwise.   Thankyou for the advise of the injections, is that classed as bone therapy as my gp said to ask for bone therzpy but ent dont know what i mean xx 

  • Hi,

    I suppose it might be deemed ‘bone therapy’. Probably best to ask about the treatment by name if it proves necessary. I believe the drug is principally used in the treatment of osteoporosis. A couple of things to note: hubby will need a dental check-up and any dental issues fixed before they will administer the drug (something to do with minimising side-effects) and he will also need to take a calcium/Vitamin D supplement, which should be prescribed for him.

    Wishing you both the best of luck.


  • Thankyou.

    Hubby had every tooth removed when he started chemo and radiotherapy for throat cancer sadly xx    hes been admitted into hospital in so much pain and electric shocks going through body xx

  • Not sure what I can say other than I hope they get his pain under control. You take care of yourself too.