Hi ♥︎

  • 1 reply
  • 14 subscribers

Hi  I've just been diagnosed with bone cancer, Ewing Sarcoma. The tumour is in my ankle. Im just at the point where I'm waiting for the hospital to contact me and talk about a plan. I've been told this kind of cancer is very rare in someone my age, 53 !! 

Not really sure what to expect so any advise would be truly appreciated Slight smile

Shron xxx 

  • Hello Sharon  

    I am Brian one of the Community Champions here on the Community. I have just noticed that your post has gone unanswered. I can't answer it myself as I have a different cancer, but by me replying it will be "bumped up" to the top of the forum and hopefully seen and answered by other community members.

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

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