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Hi Heart

I was hoping for some advice/reassurance initially. For a few weeks now I’ve been suffering with pain in my upper outer left thigh. It aches through the day but it goes next level at night! I’m not sleeping well at all because I can’t find a comfortable position. I can only compare it to having toothache, in that it throbs and radiates to other areas of my leg, it makes me feel nauseous at times. I’ve been taking paracetamol & ibuprofen with little effect. 
When I get up from bed or a sitting position I find I’m limping. I don’t know if I’m imagining it but the area to my thigh does appear more swollen compared to my other thigh. I’ve made an appointment to see my Gp, I’ve just got a really bad feeling that something is not right. Can anyone relate to this? 
Thank you in advance Heart

  • A dull ache in my left side near the thigh area. Near  that bone called iliac. Ached a bit when I walked. Tried with a walking stick. On a night felt as if my knicker elastic was digging into my groin and still ached. Think I felt as if I was limping. My nurse at GPS examined my hip joints and said she didn't think it was arthritis. Sent me to see a physio. She thought it was something that needed physio and would take about three months to clear up. Decided on x ray first....she wasn't going to...but said she cancer in family. The xray showed a large hot spot. The tumour was as big as  a small.melon.. The operation is called hemipelvectomy 



  • You could be writing my story with your description…. I was also asked if cancer ran in my family… like I said to Gp…. A family history has to start somewhere…. It could be me … I don’t know that and neither does she… fair to say… I’m scared 

  • Hope what I've written hasn't scared uou. I don't want you thinking and getting fobbed of for months with doctors saying its arthritis or sciatica. I hop it is. But chondrosarcoma is a rare cancer and the dedefferintiated one is a really nasty one. Just for the sake of a few minutes x ray could ease your mind. Xx

  • It hasn’t scared me, I’m already worried sick anyway! 
    I truly appreciate your openness. This is not like sciatica/nerve pain… I will not be fobbed off… I’ll keep in touch and similarly… always here to lend an ear should you need it … take care x

  • No it's not sciatica. Hope everything goes well. Here for you . Take care



    • Hi I experience the same in my kegs and find it hard to sleep or get comfortable,  what I do is raise my kegs to a comfortable level which I'm able to withstand in order to rest a bit.   This also helps with reducing my swelling in my legs as well.  I'll also have a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate to help me relax more so I'm able to be more relaxed when IAM trying to sleep.  I hope this helps 
  • Hi may I ask you where your primary started and what treatment are you having. Hope the pain isn't too bad for you. Take care x

  • Hi did you get any xrays done? How are you?