Concerned Daughter

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My father has had cancer for quite some time now, undergone chemo and immunotherapy which he seemed to sail through.

His primary cancer is lung, but has also been diagnosed with bone, pancreatic cancer, skin, and last week unfortunately has been told it has spread to his breast and spleen. 

They cancelled his immunotherapy friday just gone and has scheduled a meeting with his oncologist and a new doctor regarding his breast cancer for this coming Tuesdsy to discuss radiation therapy.

They have told him he will have two radiation treatments and then a review. 

He seems to have aged so much in this last month, losing weight, unable to go to toilet, in constant pain, his new pain is lower back and kidneys but pain everywhere really, no appetite and not very mobile.

He's 82 almost 83 and only last year stopped driving nights in his hgv lorry. He still hasn't given his notice in, still hopeful he will beat this. 

My concern is he will continue to go to this hospital and that hospital for different appointments, tests, reviews etc while seemingly getting weaker and sicker. I'm not sure my father is the type or would want "the talk" but I would love to be able to ask him what was important to him.  

I think I know what he would say if we had that talk. Get me to Spain to my caravan cath.

If we ever got to that point, my question is, is it possible for someone with terminal cancer to go abroad if they are physically able to do so.

Would we get insurance?

What would happen if the worst happened whilst abroad?

Sorry to be so morbid but didn't know where else to go to ask.  I didn't have the opportunity to ask my mother what was important to her and would love to see my father joyo his happy place again if possible.

Thank you for any advice or help you may have

Cathy xxx

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that your father has been diagnosed with bone cancer which has spread to other places in his body and it sounds like a trip to Spain would be lovely for him.

    As you know, the online community is divided up into different support groups so can I suggest that you come and join us over in the travel insurance group. To join just click on the link I've created which will take you directly there. You could then ask your question about getting travel insurance if you have a terminal diagnosis.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi  yes I have joined that, thank you so much. 

    Can I ask a question?

    My father has been told to contact Macmillan. Does that mean the end is near please?


  • Without knowing in what context he's been asked to contact Macmillan, that's a difficult question to answer.

    Macmillan help people in all sorts of way eg. by providing this online community, talking to people on the Support Line about medical issues, benefits, etc, as well as providing specialist cancer nurses who are based in hospitals and can help people understand a cancer diagnosis.

    Would your dad be able to tell you a bit more about what it is he was told he needed to contact Macmillan about? 

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"