Bone cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers


My wife has today received a diagnoses of cancer in her right humerus bone. We're a bit skocked to say the least.

  • Hi there

    I’m so sorry to hear this. 

    sending you lots of positivity. Is your wife able to have treatment?

    please could you let me know her symptoms? 

    take care

  • i was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer 2 years ago,aged 56yrs,i find it hard to except even today,as told controlable not not curable,

    i look at my wife and children every day,and i see the hurt in them as in me

  • My heart is with you. My wife's cancer diagnosis has now been confirmed as kidney cancer that has spread to her humerus,  spine and a lung. It is not curable but is treatable. We take some comfort from the fact that treatment is available. We are both 64 years old and in our childhood cancer was death. That is thankfully no longer the case. Many folks live with cancer. Try to put your faith in the medical profession and concentrate on your mind. Find hope and joy in life. I expect our journey, and yours to be long with many ups and downs but we will treasure each day. We will continue to make plans and targets for our future. My heart breaks at the prospect of losing my most wonderful and loved wife but i am trying to kick those thoughts into the long grass. I will make my wife's life joyful and as long as possible. Much love, best wishes and hope to you and your family.