bladder cancer December 24

  • 29 replies
  • 92 subscribers

Hi all , Dave here...

Started peeing blood 6 weeks ago and frightened the life of of me so got referred to urologist who done a cystoscopy and the dreaded cancer was there. I am now awaiting CT scan then hopefully still contained within the bladder 

Pre op tomorrow 17/12  , i know there's hundreds of people in the same boat as me but hopefully don't have to wait long for op. 

I'm 63 but still scared , trying to get through each day. I'm pessimistic by nature but reading through some of your posts has really helped cope. 

Thank you


  • Hi Dave. A pre op lasts for 3 months, but the op usually comes after a few weeks depending on the availability at your hospital. At the TURBT they will take some biopsies for analysis. It takes a few weeks for the results to come back. You should then be given a stage and grade. This then determines the next step. This thing is a step by step procedure so try not to think too far ahead. A follow up TURBT happens in most cases just to mop up and get a more accurate diagnosis. A CT scan is standard and usually precautionary to rule anything else out. BCG is just one of the options. Best wishes.  

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Dave,

    Welcome to this group but sorry to hear about your diagnosis. 

    Such a friendly helpful group here which I found incredibly helpful and hope you will also.

    Take care.


  • Thank you for the info it gives me more detail of what's to come. Yes I'll take it step by step ... It's still a lot for me to take in at this early stage but i really appreciate all this info and is helping me cope just chatting about it with someone i can call a friend so thank you.

  • Thank you Trevor. Much appreciated

  • Hi Dave, welcome to this friendly and supportive group.  I honestly don't know how I would have coped without this wonderful bunch of people. I had my first TURBT 2 weeks after the initial cystoscopy so hopefully they won't keep you waiting too long. As others have said, this journey is a marathon not a sprint. Take it one step at a time and be kind to yourself as there is a lot to take in. Please stay in touch on the forum and feel free to ask anything thats on your mind.

    Wishing  you all the best as you go forward in your journey and sending you positive vibes Sparkles ď¸Ź

    Love to you and your family, Ade xx Heart️ 

  • Thank you so much for kind words, yes definitely keep in touch

  • Morning Dave, sorry you’re here but welcome to the group. Easier said than done but try to stay positive and think of the best outcome, don’t go onto the internet, it’s only bad misinformation…everyone in this group knows what you are going through and how you are feeling…ask anything, and someone will be along to answer your questions…

    I hope you’re wait for results ect isn’t to long and you can get your head around what’s going on.

    Nigel xx

  • Thanks Rob... Just in hospital now waiting for pre op. Yes i have found comfort coming on this forum and so many kinds people. Thank you for your support my friend.

  • Your welcome mate, hope it all goes well…

    Nigel xx

  • Hi Aston63,

    Sorry to hear your news but glad you're in the process. One thing to bear in mind is that your hospital may do things slightly differently from  others. It was only when I joined and read how others are being treated that I realised that each specialist and probably each hospital does things their own way. 

    We all get the treatment we need though so good luck. I was 69 when diagnosed two and a half years ago and am thriving these days. Keep as fit as you can - cancer treatment can be quite tough but we'll be able to support and enlighten you through it all - we have all been where you are today. 

    All the best and hope you can enjoy the festivities regardless.
