Radical cysectomy

  • 11 replies
  • 92 subscribers

I’m new here hello everyone

  • Hi Lily14 welcome to the forum. Im sure as time goes past that you may feel able to tell us a bit more about yourself and what has been happening for you, but in the meantime welcome aboard and lots of lovely folks on here and will be along soon to offer more welcomes for you. 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thankyou so much 

  • Hi Lily14,

    Welcome to this friendly group. Lots of experience and advice from some lovely people. Any questions please fire away.

    Kindest Regards 


  • Hi Lily14 Welcome to this friendly place.

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Lily14,Welcome to our friendly group.I hope you will find it helpful.Love Jane x

  • Hi Lily14, When your ready lots of people on here will give you great advice and support, I was very anxious and confused when I joined but the kindness and knowledge from everyone has been amazing there is always someone who can help. Love Lynn.

  • Hi Lily14

    From the title of your post it seems like you have been through a lot already. We're a friendly lot on here so ask/tell as much as you like. We will support you as we are all being supported.

    Sending you love and positivity Sparkles️ 

    Ade xx

  • hi I don’t know where my post went but can’t find it 

  • Hi my journey began at the end of June 2023 I had so many water infections was given antibiotics a number of times by gp then was sent to gynaecologists for a womb bleed he was also asked by gp to look into my bladder too as I had a massive bleed was seeing a lot of blood he then asked me to have scan which reveals something in the bladder went bk to him for him to tell me womb was ok & the thing in my bladder was nothing to worry about I was in so much pain he said it’s your fibromyalgia that I have or my bowls see gp so he booked me in for cameras to be done bladder & womb just to check so had them done & he came to me saying he was not happy with what he see sent me over to urologist they see me & said they would book me in for a turb & if small enough would remove it but I still didn’t know if I had cancer then he told me that I needed to see specialist which I see on 4th of August 2023 which I sat down & was told the news that I had cancer of the bladder & said it has 3 lots in bladder & it’s spreading fast still not sinking in he then went on & said surgery needed to be done he drew a picture to explain surgery that I would lose my bladder have a full hisorectomy & lymph nodes removed for in that area I could not believe it was me in total shock I then was booked in for the 17th of August for the surgery then onto chemo that made me ill & back into hospital dec 2023 then just made it out in time for Xmas by 2 days but was pleased to get home then started infections wee one was treated then ill & went back in hospital February 2024 with infection & caught MRSA bug under my Urostomy bag around the stoma since then I have had numerous infections got chest infection then got pneumonia a few weeks back was on antibiotics for 3 weeks then got mrsa again flare up was treated with antibiotics for that 2 weeks clear & I have a bad chest again now & another flare infection of my mrsa around my stoma I am finding it realy tough I have fibromyalgia which I was diagnosed about 9 years ago it is all playing havoc with my body I can’t cope with it all but I am trying to keep positive for my adult children & grandchildren as I don’t want to show them or tell them how I’m realy feeling inside I have my tears alone as I’m on my own split from my partner 4 years ago but I have a very close friend that has supported me & still is I’m sorry for the long message but I just needed to get it all out Thankyou 

  • Hi Lily14,I’m sorry to hear you are having so many problems.I hope things improve soon.There is a lot of support on here so I hope you will get some comfort from the messages.Sending a virtual hug.Love Jane xx